Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How Do I Name My Cake Business


Postcard perhaps not aesthetic ... But it made me smile.

I captured this image on holiday in the Jura (Dept. t 39) in the parking lot of a supermarket. Clearly this teacher was appreciated by his students "2 of 3" (we would say e 4 C), against history does not say if she liked the way they express their appreciation, she was so flattering.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Eid Greetings In Arabic


was on 2 July on the station platform Ottignies.
I see coming toward me, his face vaguely familiar. I must admit that my memory is slow, especially to exhume one or the other student among the thousands that I saw go throughout my career. I have to rummage through all my archives neuronal and with the order I have it takes me a while (well. .. some time!) Was
A. I never saw that in a year: his first. It must refresh my memory and then explains that it does more silly escapades since his last, plus a charge of theft of a professor (one day she was absent!) earned him kicked out of his school.

I am before a young girl of 15 dressed in black, to nail a piercing in the language that shines when she laughs. She is calm, playful and rather we feel her some personality, but I do not feel the shadow of a cunning and, as I remember it was never dishonest.

She said she then decided not to make "nonsense." And it says I have changed.
it ... "changed" ... ? ? ?
This puzzled me.
Me, I found her like and she said to have changed.
She confirmed, and also adds emphasis to be happy.
Clearly, for her, there was a radical change while in my eyes, no. Why this difference of view?

His behavior "limit" (smoking illegal things, eg) was it really her as she thinks, or just a search, a transgression, a test ...?
From my viewpoint, we can actually give inappropriate behavior, inharmonious without really changing what is really. Because at. I seem to have acquired from childhood clear benchmarks and has not the slightest shadow of evil in it. Basically, I'm sure she is a girl mature sound. And that is precisely why, when she made "nonsense", she was able to react and find the right thread, and it is still probably why she is satisfied, because his behavior is similar more of what it actually is because it is more harmonious, more just more true ....

For me, it's not her that changed, it's just something in his behavior, his way to act in his choice.
It still has the opportunity to go for the best in itself is a choice ...

Living in accordance with his true personality is so much easier but it requires you to know, and that, it takes time!

A, continues like this, become yourself, discovering even more, and let us discover your true personality.
Happy New Year in your new school.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Hotdog Waffles Recipe

Reflections and farewell to a supervisor-educator

Indeed, the rumored for some time

personal reasons and family encouraged me to think about but then to take the step ... I hesitated, I do not hide it but you are done, I will be "pre-retired" and will not return to school in September. I'm going but not without regret.

course, my work supervisor-teacher does not lack repulsive sides, I think some tedious administration or some of you, young "rebels", which you measure authority, which you try to bamboozle us with your "truths" that you prefer to waste your energy (and ours) to sabotage a war of attrition in which, if you think sometimes be winners, this is an illusion.

Nevertheless, I sometimes had the satisfaction of thinking that I had been there at the right place at the right time with the intuition of right speech, one that will permit an awareness important to my partner . More modestly, I also, how many times could give solace to the heart of one of you hurt by too strong a word from a professor (often at the exclusion of course.) Or clumsy word. I hope my colleagues will also be able to catch up with any possible awkwardness that I could commit.

Other nice aspects: what are the hellos, smiles, not to mention the understanding displayed by the majority is not always comfortable my role is to strike some reasons to account for absences and delays, to punish them. Before our mistakes as well, since in the sum of factors involved in such accounts, he would sometimes slyly slips one or the other.

Since the rumors of my departure circulated, I received messages of sympathy that makes me really warms my heart and I will keep as evidence of your sympathy card here full of signatures and cordiality, there are some drawings collected tout au long de ma carrière (je pense en particulier à ma « collection » de caricatures!), je pense aussi à tous ces bisous de fin d'année, ceux de ce dernier vendredi de cours pour la 6C, trésors bien éphémères... à moins de les enfermer dans le coffre de mon coeur.

Merci pour tout cela et tant d'autres petites perles...

Et puis, il me restera aussi des souvenirs de l'un ou l'autre d'entre-vous que le hasard de circonstances particulières m'aura permis d'approcher plus personnellement, ceux aussi dont je me souviens de leur première à leur Rhaeto (*) . There are those who have me surprised by their talent not always school: musical talent, talented designer, about their wisdom and reflection unexpected for "adolescents". In this regard, I must confess that there was even a student in front of which I was totally intimidated or uncomfortable but fascinating as its maturity at 16, 17 years seemed to exceed that of his classmates and even number of adults.

My career in teaching have me in any case allowed to see the maturity, you win often - fortunately, not always - at the cost of difficulties personal, you will learn through reflection forced to understand and overcome a malaise, difficulty, and this will take you to observe human nature and to understand so many things ... (why so few of you are reluctant to meet with the PMS, nice free tool at your disposal, which could help you more quickly understand the dynamics of family relationships and human responses that you face?)

I was sensitive to the distress that seem to live some of you for myself was in the reduction in my late teens. I could that better imagine the weight that some are weeks, months.

I saw and dragged their sad mood throughout our hallways and it grieved me but fortunately, I have seen others resolutely optimistic, cheerful and smiling and delighted me sound gay .

There were times (and this happen to me again) to fix one of you, the first who passed me and tell me fascinated: "That's a whole Universe

What fascinated me when I looked, it was not only to find myself in front of everything you were already, your sensitivity, your sorrows and your hopes, all the falls and all the daily victories ... everything! And it's huge! ... But also to your potential yet unrealized. Everything is already in you, the genes that are those of your children, you embody the values and characteristics that will make your adult, your intelligence, memory, this powerful tool that has yet to garnish with some knowledge and observations. Everything is there in front of me but neither you nor I know yet how this will develop. That is why I am so happy when I see (an) old (not) come up to me shaking hands with a child and say "this is my little boy, I have this job ... "So you are not condemned to remain permanent adolescents, also sometimes you show me your future. ( Do not want me not to be spontaneous when we meet: it is because I saw so many faces and names that my memory is full and often says pass!)

For cons, I understand that you are anxious about the future, often in fact, is the anguish of your parents that resonates with you, they who want the best for you.

parents, they what they can ...

"People do what they can," said my wife one day during a conversation. I will never forget this phrase that gives everyone the right to imperfection, error. Other but not to oneself that this is not the occasion of self indulgence! We cultivate our qualities but also correct our faults, overcome our weaknesses. Nobody is perfect, a relative, friend, colleague disappoints you? Everyone has the right to make mistakes, forgive him, you too will perhaps show awkwardness one day ...

Our students have reached the age where all issues arise and they still have no answer! Will I find the perfect partner? Will I get my education? Will I find employment? ... Yes, seen like that is scary! So do otherwise. Tell yourself that life is quite short like that, do not project from this perspective of a future where all issues collide and crash on each other, live as your present. The difficulties, if any, appear one after the other and you have enough time to address each in turn.

If my advice to you is that of not wanting to be answered at once, ah! impetuous youth! Live in the present, do not be impatient, there are issues, let time make the answers remain open, simply ... is remaining open and attentive as you'll pass these responses, perhaps also some arriving even before you could not formulate the question.

At this point let me tell you a secret: "The secret of happiness is ... know each other! "It's silly, but it takes years. It is often through the other one becomes aware of what we are but we have not yet realized the values that have been stifled or remained buried in itself. Just as someone shows them. When one really knows, what stability, what security, what it brings serenity.

We need others. We are all different times and all the same!

you go account of this curious phenomenon: the distance between you and me is bigger than me to you.

It is not very mathematical (or physical) but it's real for me, childhood, adolescence and adulthood are demystified. I knew all the steps. For you, childhood: OK, adolescence, well ... it is perhaps still too close for that, as an adult - that I represent - it is unknown to you. I went through these stages, I myself have children and grandchildren. That's why I leave that to my students are young people engaging I feel so close and I loved my children like - mine have almost thirty - in ... less strong, of course, but still some and I saw us leave at the end of each Rhaeto, the ones I had followed for several years, since the first times I saw them from not without a hint of emotion.

Now I leave you all, emotion is even more intense.

You wished me a happy (early) retirement but you have a whole life ahead of you, it's mostly me show you my best wishes: that she is rich, full and happy!


Villers la Ville, June 22, 2008

(*) for readers who are not Belgian, the Belgian education system consists of two slices six years: the school "Primary" or "core" of 6 to 11 years and high school: the grammar school, aged 11-12 years to 17-18 years (not to mention the repeaters which I served, should I confess ?) The sixth and last year is called the "rhetoric".