Friday, January 28, 2011

Female Adultgenitaltattoos

RV Hall Coordinator: your questions & suggestions ...

With a view to a future meeting with Miss Larissa (city hall coordinator in charge of school lunch time), we invite your questions, comments or suggestions concerning the cafeteria and everything that may relate to the restoration of the south.
So please not to send us your requests, they will all be welcome ...!
After the appointment we will inform you of course all that stink will be given.
Thanks in advance to you all ...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Put Her Over Her Knee

IMPROMPTU The Number One - Bulletin of the umbo - POETRY AND ART

IMPROMPTU The number one

Thumbnail coverage Impromptu number one

In a lovely word:
"The impromptu is a noise dissipates. "

This bulletin-review, led by Jean-Pierre Paraggio remains in the vein of the Journal of the umbo, a very clean design, and, over the titles, had sometimes Authors unknown, but most notable names of actual poetry. Also maintained the happy contribution illustrators (paints, inks, drawings, collage, graphite, photos).

Summary In this issue:

-Ludwig ZELLER : collage
-Rik LINA :''The inks which Beauty and the Beast''
-Miguel de CARAVALHO : collage
Jean-Pierre Paraggio : ink and image
Marcel MIRACLE : Board 4''ink''
Philippe Lemaire : collage
Georges-Henri Morin : ink''but also''ostracized

poems and texts - excerpts below -:

John Durançon
"(...) The photograph already.
Photography, already existed.
Reflection and mass.
Μiroir. Narcissus.
Narcissus mess.
Baudelaire O!
Narcissus even when they look at something else.
Narcissus themselves across the world.
(...) The movie was like what did not image.
Cinema has completed the metamorphosis - Kafkaesque.
The world is not the world.
It is a reflection of his reflection (...) "

-Roberto San Geroteo
" It would raise the air in memory
(...) To repeat the vacuum
drink and come back when shaking hands and lips
that we would never have forgotten (...) "

Stanislaus Rodanski
"Listen, it's black speech
prophets black than the black
cover time (. ..) "

Louis-François Delisse : haiku
" The dream was pushing snow
(...) "

Ink Georges-Henri Morin
'But also ostracized'

Peter PEUCHMAURD (several poems)

This dust

Besides roses
and cursing
- that 'they be damned -
apart spit moons
watching grass and cement
and the empty sky
since there is no sea
A wait share
what we do
on your grave


But slave
when it hits the cloud
when he drinks dust
master but the slave
speech infinite
he whispers mouth empty

Ink Jean-Pierre Paraggio

-Alice Massénat

The harm caused by reason
the startled his eternal Etournel
that it came
a broken rattle skirmish
She screamed and elsewhere across the virgin
arm around the waist
to whom it was
who would triturated camphor

And while nothing is always full of arms
fell in love with the mischievous verve to disqualified from beyond the grave
Holes were staggering
nothing sounds more
a retreat at the bazaar
implanted into the deep of my bulldog streets

Incredulous choked the word misery
life of these rails s'escarpe a sleep salacious
and nobody was able to return
if not a death assiduous

These memories are fighting
this palaver teenage
daily more exegesis
Dire pain unpopular
arthritis triturated weariness in disarray
and not a path that goes up my fingers

Why fight here or Moreover
what arms he climbed
of further life
silent and if I get used to silence
the rest will perhaps finally less jaws.

Anne-Marie BEECKMAN:
"I came through the eye of the cyclone (...) / Here I am, bone and flesh in daring bearer. I lay a finger on your delicate eyelashes abridge / I cap on the wire the chimera / (...) I had to blow a hundred times over the cradle of feathers: the mirror broke its moorings (...) / I bow, lifts, pick my skirts dust wind. "

John Paul MARTINO:
" They have odor of old lanterns
With this certain swing in walking
They have masks to be mistaken wreckers
Castaway wreckers or to inland
Eager glucose knowing only the coca-cola (...) "

Rik LINA 'The Beauty and the beast '



This ogre then prefers candy to girls.
It would hurt a fly.

His legs are still closing his arms
and box body.

His head is out of the belly
as to devour the sugar.

There is more sugar in his face
it wrong to cry when
thumb light
support under the eyebrows.

There is only one stroke
the vertebrae of soft clay.

love a bearded sky
he smokes with her vagina at night.


The impromptu number one - Bulletin of the umbo
5 euros per copy including postage - Support: 15 euros
Jean-Pierre Paraggio 33, Avenue Jules Ferry 74100 ANNEMASSE

° ° °
Titles still available in the umbo COLLECTION:

Jean-Yves Bériou 'The Little Pebble's death in the boot of the master of nothing' , poems - 2006 - 4 euros

Pierre Peuchmaurd 'Fragments of a deer' poem illustrated by Jean-Pierre Paraggio - 2007 - 15 euros

Anne-Marie Beeckman, 'I am African', a poem with images of Jean-Pierre Paraggio - 2008 - 13 euros

Pierre Peuchmaurd 'Nature at her' poems on images of Jean-Pierre Paraggio - 2008 - 15 euros
LINK: Commentary and picture 04/la-nature-chez-elle-pierre-peuchmaurd.html

Alexandre Pierrepont 'Moon to moon, poem, images of the desert - 2009 - 12 euros

Joel Gayraud 'Clearing the dream', a poem with illustrations by Jean-Pierre Paraggio - 2010 - 14 euros
LINK: Commentary and image

Lawrence Albarracin 'The Flood ambiguous' poems illustrations by Jean-Pierre Paraggio - 2010 - 14 euros
LINK: Commentary and picture

Louis-François Delisse 'funeral mix' poems with images of Jean-Pierre Paraggio - 2010 - 8 euros
LINK: Commentary and picture

° ° °

LINK: Summary Impromptu number two

Afghan Weddings Invitation Cards

We are looking for parent volunteers to help organize the school party.
If you are available, contact us.

How To Beat The Ankle Monitor

CALL parents and families

we are looking for parent volunteers to help organize the school party. If you are
available, contact us.

Monday, January 24, 2011

How Dpo You Say Best Wishes In Egyptian Arabic

Carnival workshops


As every year the carnival committee,

in partnership with St. Anne School, as part of the CEL,

you to participate in makeshift structures,

for CARNIVAL "journey across 5 continents"

of March 19 11:00

Tasks varied: painting, sewing, cutting boards, screwing, coffee breaks .....

Go from 9.00

Municipal Hall, City Hall parking , (as therapist)


In January 22 and 29

In February: 5, 12 and 19

"The more the merrier merrier" ... then go ahead!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Indians With Large Breast

Out Reco Trail Trail

Sunday, January 23, the trailers of Spiridon offers an outlet on hilly St Gervais on Fed. A distance of about 13 km with 800m D +.
The appointment is fixed at 7.55 to Luteva (Lodève) for a planned return to 12h.

Please confirm your attendance with the Rapha 06 47 62 67 12 or at 06 Francis 76 24 66 49.

Thanks and Sunday.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Marithe Girbaud Jeans

ALBARRACIN Lawrence - The Flood ambiguous, Collection of the umbo

ALBARRACIN Lawrence - The Flood ambiguous
Collection of the umbo
Illustrations by Jean-Pierre Paraggio

The Flood ambiguous, superb (s) text (s) Lawrence Albarracin, extension (s) a wood of dream worlds where the eye opening thunderclap: "We were the child fair / a breath enough to topple / provoked by the interrogation."

ago in the main movement of this poetry growing in many riddled with many outside shooters and wonderful world of new cuttings:
"Water Creek is a strong wind
grout trembling leaves
crawling like the sky made Earth
a snake with wings quivering
column's ground smash light
air passing through the trees. "

Arrimages to art images where the fountains of ears and the tops of milk brought into the world of self-portraits:
"The Wheat sinks below the caret of a tit ";
"The dandelion seed / is truly miraculous / over the ugliness of the word" .

intentions of co-presence of black contours are like the candle light farewell to light:
"Look how tenderly any wobbles
before sinking
like any lights of the glow
the knife to her throat
and ignite everywhere as
the confetti of death ".

In the circles of gestures, the precipitates are dead-mechanics of their energies to thank you. Dying marrow dismal does not exist. In a very fresh-the balance of these determinations student every tragedy in tune with the scroll of pink waves:
"The bird's wings clutter fired a song
beautiful like an open umbrella
pool of blood on its scattered leaves. "

A skilled hand of fate-work to the point of falling, and dismounted progressing, irrevocable, a steamy millennium: "The world falls suspended / this hair that retracts, / the smoke which camouflages / is also. "

Earth to love the clear timber, eternity is pure blaze of green reeds: "What product or the enormous and continuing things / if the spark that will / fire to this powder? "And when
hope for the man falls into the water, the feathers more poignant wince on other ''Body''at the junction wedding sharp flavors:
"(...) Nothing should expect men / he should expect nothing at all / must give confidence to the is true / then only the seeds pop / bread in a large feather. "

mouth on the black of the constellation, the poet says yet persistent desire to live in the sap of the extent of any mine blast: "A Thousand Years of rain will not Because / the spark unreasonable / gushing at the location of the water drop .
Then says, gulp in air, pace''traces''once & once, to quasi-touques: "It and a very ancient times / dates by cannulas / waters of summer. "

Miracle think, through the illumination of thoughts, is short:
"Today Robin nodded
for ask his question and everything in the evening
arises mêmement claiming the mystery. "
is silent on the hazelnuts! Axis of nod.

And paid in these great works double wing, the magnificent illustrations by Jean-Pierre Paraggio fill us without half-tones.

Isabelle Dalbe

An illustration of Jean-Pierre Paraggio
'The Flood Ambiguous' Lawrence Albarracin
Collection the Umbo

- 14 euros including postage -
Order payable to Jean-Pierre Paraggio 33 avenue Jules Ferry, 74100 Annemasse


About Lawrence ALBARRACIN


-His other publications :
Gardens nuclear L'Air Water, Brive, 1998.
The fire burns, Workshop of the Lamb, St. Quentin Caplong, 2004.
Resolutions, Myrddin, Brive, 2004.
Twenty-seven sonnets, Ikko, Paris, 2005.
The secret secret drawings of Henri-Georges Morin, Publishing addition, St. Clement, 2006.
From Image, The Hold, Glasgow, 2007.
Pierre Peuchmaurd, elegant witness, geese Craven, Montreal, 2007.
Cards on Water, Sky Mock, Saint-Ouen, 2008. The Garden
worker (anthology), Flammarion, Paris, 2008.
Glass of water and other poems, the blue corridor, Amiens, 2008. Louis-François
Delisse Collection Presence of Poetry Publishing Explanation of Lapwings 2009
light, Last Telegram, Limoges, 2010

- His regular contributions to many journals of poetry, including The Journal of the umbo, L'Impromptu, The Gold in 13 islands

-His column on poetry the website of Peter Campion.:


-His poetry collection by Editions 'The Dial lined' : ISSUE OF THE FIFTH SERIES, October 2010
LINK its site # Ce_que_je_fais_parfois

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Anniversary Company Speeches

Day School 2011: Friday or Saturday? Empty

Survey to determine the day of the school fair Leon Berland 2011:
1. Friday, June 24
2. Saturday, June 25

make your choice: HERE

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dow Proshow Gold 2. Full

Genier - 2nd edition

Given the success of the first edition in 2010, the association renewed for 2011 attic .
It will be held on Saturday, May 7 next in the courtyard of the elementary school.

Like last year, is open to all exhibitors individuals (that is to say non-professional) and of course to all visitors.

order to better organize the association is seeking volunteers.

So please make yourself known to members of the association!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Non-denominational Wedding Program Wording

Article in the DNA of January 6, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mod Per Mount And Blade Dragon Ball

poem 'Snow' Isabelle DALBE with an original drawing by Henri-Georges MORIN - December 2010 Map - FINGERPRINTS

© Created by Georges-Henri Morin I. Dalbe

This superb drawing of Henri-Georges Morin, as the eyes - arc of flight, opens in the heart of white sand blasts the game: these other poems. The desire of the other bank is trading as a butterfly attracting, where snow is obvious. Isabelle


Georges-Henri Morin, writer, poet, designer, editor ◄

► Georges-Henri Morin, as a poet and artist, was involved with Guy Cabanel, Vincent Bounoure, Bernard Caburet, Jorge Camacho, Marianne Van Hirtum Robert Lagarde, Joyce Mansour, Mimi Parent, etc.. . . Bulletin Liaison Surrealist (1970-1976).

is published by URDLA his poetry & art book''The Son''Match. Work with luxury eight engravings on Japanese pearl and poems on cannabis.
"(...) We are in the midst of a very singular manner in which poetic Georges-Henri Morin makes palpable the ellipse, the unspoken and the blinding prospect capricious (...) Is accompanied by a portfolio of eight etchings due to the author who is also a rigorous painter / illustrator Alain Joubert, The Fortnight literary

► writer, he published in 1977 by Editions Payot: The broken circle, the image of the Indian in the Western.

He contributes regularly to the quarterly newsletter of URDLA (Villeurbanne): 'Press it' (a magazine for human freedom in art) and journals contemporary surrealist-inspired 'Les Cahiers de l'Umbo' and 'The Impromptu' (Bulletin of the Umbo) 'Gold in the 13 islands'.

Publisher Publishing addition, he illustrated, this teaches the poetry of poets Lawrence Albarracin: 'The Secret Secret'; Peter Peuchmaurd: 'Alice' and 'History of the Middle age.
These books have multiple drawings, full page, are still available: 16 euros.

Georges-Henri MORIN 28 rue de l'Annonciade 69001 LYON -

► To go further with Georges-Henri Morin, particularly find his books and poems, a link to my site:


© Double card on textured paper - 10.5 x 21

December 2010 Edition limited edition
- presentation inside pages 2 and 3 - on this blog, let your contact information (confidentiality guaranteed) in space 'comments' -



Laurent Albarracin

tied hourglass snow showers. It blooms
bomb this echo. In
nudity of whiteness
it exists for silence.

Snow continues the coveted object.
It is the temple of hail. A doll
up to the high speed.

At the sign of our
is not a wolf Azure. Any time frame

for the eighth day.

The snow melts into the snow.
Mother-pic called balance.
buries its roots phoenix.
The snow tore not.

I. Dalbe


► Lawrence Albarracin, dedicatee of the poem The Snow, is a poet and editor of the poetry collection 'The Dial line'.
He contributes to journals: 'Les Cahiers de l'Umbo' and 'The unexpected'; 'Gold to the 13 islands, and is a chronicle of poetry books ◄

Find Lawrence Albarracin:

-on see my site where his books and poems

A future article will be devoted to the To mark the publication in January 2011, his book 'The Flood ambiguous, with images of Jean-Pierre Paraggio-Collection of Umbo.

I. Dalbe