The Gift of True False To continue about cheating, a student (call it 'B. ") reminds me of that incident that happened to him at first, a few years ago.
Dutch was not his favorite course and she was experiencing serious difficulties but in all likelihood, B. was kind of student whose memory was an asset in some cases: she learned almost by heart, a text worked in the classroom in the hope that it would be useful in one way or another to the review . It therefore meets
somehow different exercises and then comes to writing. From memory, she throws on a piece of draft text seen in class thinking I could use in the structure, even, perhaps, whole sentences, to restore a semblance of editorial that could bring him some points. As I said, in Dutch, B. is more comfortable in restitution only in creation.
But now that the supervisor-educator who watched ... ie a P apa . Z ulu . picking up the copies, notes the presence of a sheet a little odd in the block B. He looks closer and sees that it is a text that has no real connection with the review: this is not the subject of writing, the ink color was very different If I remember correctly. In short, it looked like furiously to a leaf that had slipped there for use during the examination, as so many unscrupulous students.
So convinced by this interpretation facts that I collect the leaves of B., review, and of course the paper in question, to give them to the professor with my comments (I always let the teacher decide the tariff of sanctions, when I watch).
B. is desperate, she explains, insists, not sure what to do to convince me and stretched resources, crying before the dishonor of the bitter failure predictable.
It's simple: I find myself so often in front of students who deny the obvious when I saw this absolutely does not lend to confusion when, eg I Having an exchange of leaves, I see Unlike writing and back to the author of the paper found in another. Or play: "It's not me who threw it on the ground / I spit that ..." ... or still under review when I ask for silence, the students I see and hear clearly "But no, sir, I do not speak!"
A benign fault sometimes compounded by the lies and undermines the student. Moreover, it is not "psychologist": it does as boring prof or supervisor who could punish him more.
My first thought was, therefore, to cling to my interpretation facts and believe that B. I told stories to save his review.
But still ...
end I doubt it. And if it was sincere? Myself, when I was student, I have not been the victim of deceptive appearances? I returned to see the teacher to express my perplexity version of B. finally no less plausible than my interpretation.
B. that reminds me of this episode tells me that ultimately it was arranged, her teacher believed her, or at least gave him the benefit of the doubt. How B. tells me the story now completed my convinced of his good faith, but why do I have worked so hard to believe, picking up his review?
They are often lies firmly told coldly staring into the eyes that make me automatically suspicious at all that a student can tell me. No, I do think more office and it is unfortunate that students suffer and honest attitude of others who do not hesitate to let me swallow their salads ... finally trying!