Monday, December 14, 2009

Bushnell 3200 Tactical Review

Score on Hivernatrail

Sunday, December 13, two riders were present at the SNA Hivernatrail, St Comes and Maruejols (30) to compete in the final of the trail season with its 36 km and 1100 m D +.

Cyril Fesquet orking and Didier took the start under a temperature of close to 0 ° C. With more than 400 runners at the start, considering technical and fast trail of surprises. Didier
after knee pain had to abandon the race after the 18th km. As for Cyril, still the man of the Spiridon, entered the race in 3:28 ET ranked 75 °.
A good year 2009 for Cyril after his fine performance to the Templars

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Simple Temperature Sensor Circuit Diagram


What's this?
is a help from parents and from school on foot. It works like a real bus along a route, with stops and schedules. Drivers are Parent volunteers are divided paths in turn. Passengers are children who are thus led the way to school.

The walking bus is part of a sustainable development and road safety.
- reduce traffic congestion around the school
- improving child safety and awareness of traffic rules
- reduce nuisance related to the massive use of the car (noise, pollution ...)
- inculcate new movement patterns
- improving lifestyle of children

How does it work?
We opened four walking bus line on the town to cover the maximum population.
- Comtadine
line - the line Olivades
- the online home associations
- Mistral line
They are all independent of each other and each have their own days of passage. They work in the morning from 8.15 am and evening for the return at 16:40.

Timetable 2009/2010
Comtadine Line: Thursday morning

Olivades Line: Tuesday
Thursday evening Friday morning

Line House of associations: Monday morning and evening Thursday morning and evening

Friday morning

Line Mistral: Tuesday
Friday morning

You can download our booklet with all the information here:

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Whats Happening To Me Sore Throat

First School Councils will be held Tuesday, November 10 for elementary and Friday, November 13 for kindergarten

First School Councils will take place:
Tuesday, November 10 for elementary

Friday, November 13 for kindergarten
Any questions, comments, suggestions on how our school?
Make your hand elected CIPF

contact us on the blog:

or phone Sylvie Favier Toulzac 06 84 98 67 11 or Catherine Ravon 06 14 69 25 05
All reports of School Councils will be available on the blog or copy paper on request.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Story Of Barasoain Church

Programme outputs

To find the program output in November and December, click on the link below. See you soon ...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pitcher Indian Actress

next Friday is elections .....

next Friday is elections ..... Come
2:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. vote for representatives to school councils

then count (15/30 minutes longer)

Monday, October 12, 2009

How Much Do Quinceneras Cost

Sylvie Favier-TOULZAC
Lucas A CE2
Livoria MS

Catherine RAVON
Louis CM2
Dounia Lotfi CM2

Thomas BUNEL
Emile CP Margaux

Colette AYMARD
Hugo PS-MS


Lou CP/CE1
Show your interest in your child's school
Join the CIPF Leon BERLAND

Acting Together the CIPF
Tell a secular school, fairer, more equitable representation
and democratic

We, the parents of the CIPF, participate in school life to defend the interests of children and represent parents in school councils and working groups
Like you, we are parents concerned about the future of our children.
Neither specialists or professionals, but with the support network CIPF, we act together to improve our children's school.
You can contact us by calling Catherine RAVON 06 14 69 25 05. or Sylvie Favier-TOULZAC 06 84 98 67 11
For 2009-2010, we will:
· In listening to you and through you: Our School Council representation, we can act on functioning and organization of our school.
· To inform, consult you on important topics (school councils, the school party,
· the blog: ...) The CIPF
Leon BERLAND Our actions:
♦ Actions by intervening in the school council with the various bodies the lack of accompanying children in great difficulty (RASED suppression, network support ...)
♦ Actions remaining vigilant on the number of children per classroom and on the maintenance jobs of our teachers in
♦ Actions claiming a sufficient number of kindergarten ATSEM
♦ Actions to the welfare of our children between 12 and 14h and after 16h45 we will continue, in conjunction with the city, our action for the development of extracurricular time; toy library, library, animations, and simply relax away from the weather. ♦ Actions
actually continuing our work to the safety of our children around the school: to ask a security officer, to modify the duration of fires, apply a net anti-balloon, secure movement of all ...
· Act by offering our support and our thoughts for a perpetuation of the Day Morning
♦ Actions to maintain activities at a lower cost, and financially support some school projects (travel, purchase of books for the library ...)
♦ Actions reflecting on projects uniting all parents in friendly actions: organization the book sale, flea Easter flower market ...
♦ Actions organizing the school fair in conjunction with all stakeholders (parents, teachers, volunteers, associations ...)

Nathalie ARM
Arthur CM2
Naig CE1
Emmanuelle DESENFANT
Hugo EC 1B

Marco Mathias GS CE 2

Margaux MS
Emile CP

Priscilla Sylvia, Clarissa
Alima PS

Pokemon Firered Cheat Gpsphone

Show your interest in the school of your enfantRejoignez the CIPF Leon BERLANDAgir Set the CIPF Tell a secular school, fairer Representing more equitable and démocratiqueNous, parents of students in the CIPF, participate in school life to defend the interests of children and represent parents in school councils and groups travailComme you we are parents concerned about the future of our enfants.Ni specialists or professionals, but thanks to the support network CIPF, we act together to improve our school children.You can contact us by calling Catherine RAVON 06 14 69 25 05. or Sylvie Favier TOULZAC-June 1984 98 67 11For the year 2009-2010, we will: · In listening to you and through you: Our School Council representation, we can act on the operation and organization of our school. · To inform you, you see the important issues (school councils, the school party, · blog: ...) The CIPF Leon BERLAND Our actions: · Act involved in school council from various forums about the lack of accompanying children in great difficulty (RASED suppression, network support ...)· Acting remaining vigilant on the number of children per classroom and maintaining positions ♦ Actions of our teachers demanding a sufficient number of kindergarten ATSEM ♦ Actions to the welfare of our children between 12 and 14h and after 16h45 we will pursue, in conjunction with the town hall, this action extracurricular time management, game library, library, animations, and simply relax away from the weather. · Take positive action in pursuing our work to the safety of our children around the school: ask a security officer, to modify the duration of fires, apply a net anti-balloon, secure movement of all ... · Act by offering our support and our thoughts for perpetuation of the Day Morning ♦ Actions to maintain activities at a lower cost, and financially support some school projects (travel, purchase of books for the library ...) ♦ Actions reflecting on projects uniting all parents in friendly actions: organization of the book sale, flea Easter flower market ... · Act organizing the school fair in conjunction with all stakeholders (parents, teachers, volunteers, associations ...)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Asperger's Syndrome Driving License

Adult Venues RDV School

Here are places to go mountain biking School for the month of October and early November.

places of departure and arrival times are different, be careful!

Click on the link below and you'll be ...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Strongest Ipod Transmitter


Saturday, October 10, the appointments for the children of the school is attached to the ATV Salagou on Camping Vailhés side parking (Lodeve).

schedules are unchanged, 9.30 for group development and 11:00 for group initiation. A niche

Saturday afternoon will be considered given the increasing number of bikers.

Do not forget your helmets, what to repair, your water bottle and backpack.

Soon a monthly schedule of places of rendezvous.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Jak Wyglada Smierc Przez Zastrzyk Trucizny

Come bring your "stone" for school for your children ....
I confirm our meeting in September to prepare the elections and take stock of the party
Tuesday evening, 22 September 2009 8:30 p.m.

art room for elementary school.

Thanks in advance for your presence and good day.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

7 Month Baby Dry Throat

SCHOOL Back to school for School bike!

School ATV is back.
The first appointment is fixed at
Saturday, September 26, 2009
on the town square, opposite Luteva.

9:30 to 11:00 : children + 10 years - improvement
11h00 - 12h30: children - 10 years - introduction

Remember not your bike + helmet + backpack + snacks + kway

So mark your calendar and Saturday 26.

Friday, September 4, 2009

How To Make Your Dogs Testicals Drop

Discovering Cycling Sports - September 12 and 13

School of Cycling Spiridon will soon be back to school!

It will first present the on September 12 Park City Lodève Day Associations with a handling course for those who want to try ...

Then you will find on the limestone plateau of Larzac the next day at Caylar for the 3rd edition of The Caylar in Larzac ATV. Where more than one animation for the youngest members of the SCN do battle on routes established.

So please come and meet us on 12th and September 13th "was the discovery of sports cyclists.

Newsletter Registration Caylar in Larzac ATV:

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

лолита арт

website our village! Extended School Reunion Committee

Our village between open-XXI th century: website Jonquerettes is now available! si si!

Pokemon Platinum Gameshark

CR (Unofficial)

The 30 June at the Cultural Hall of Jonquerettes held the Expanded School Committee meeting.
Present: The Mayor and his two assistants Mr. Boyer and Ms. Ancey, elected CM: M. Muscat, Ms Sassy Dubuy & Mrs Ms Amoyel Director, Parents of students: Ms. Serbin, Ayache, Favette & Ms and Poincloux Bobey and Peyret.


digital School.

Recall what has been presented by the city council on the draft Digital School. The school is eligible, the town will purchase for back 12 computers for children and a Teacher (e). Mobile facility, available for all classes. Each class will accommodate this installation (WiFi)

Back to School College Morières

Back to school at New College of Morières on Thursday 3 September.
shuttles bus from Jonquerettes are provided via "St. Sat.

The back to school will be the Javon Thursday 3 September 2009

Pédibus, balance and perspective

24 children involved this year, including about 20 rotating participants. The operation continues next year at the same places & same hours. Parents will be consulted again to trentrée including newcomers.


school kitchen facilities will be renovated during the school holidays.
The evocation of difficulties encountered during the school party related to the use of kitchens to the circumstances will be a reflection for improvement for the next edition. The question

menus La Cantera is raised again: larger portions?, Feeling hungry? bio or assimilated to the back to school? (Outstanding poll on the blog)

Sports Village - Ufolep

Some success in 2009 with the objectives of the beginning of the year (33 children enrolled to date)


Monday 6 July 17h 30 Ufolep taste and presentation to the school program

Pierre Peyret

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Free Things On Birthday In Orange County

Meeting with the future Principal of the college Morières

Monday 29 June 18h, there was an information meeting organized by the future Morières Principal, Philippe Tautou. Here the report.

The college will be ready for the start of the 2 / 09 for the 5th and 4th and 3 / 09 for 6th. It will accommodate children Morières St Saturnin and Jonquerettes.


Currently the work is completed inside the building and only the edge to finish: (plaza, fencing). The construction of the gymnasium has been delayed and will be operational in early November.

It is impossible to visit it yet because it is in the works, but the visit will be the first day of school.

Cost: 19 million euros. Surface of the land: 5 acres with a playground 3000 m2.

There will be 2 drop-off: one for cars and for buses. There will also be ample parking for bikes and mopeds.
The college was built in Environmental Quality: energy saving, waste sorting ...
There will be one story. The buildings will all have a different exterior color.

All 6th will have a locker. The Principal is in the process of negotiating lockers for 5th. Anyway during the half-board there will be a locked room to store schoolbags.
290 half-board are scheduled for September. Payment will be made with the quarter and package (ie for 4 meals per week). For the first quarter is the longest (September-December) the bill for half board is 165 €.
The computer equipment will be one computer for every 5 students.

The educational structure
If you have any special requests of last moments should write to: Main

College J. Vernes
2 av. Pierre de Coubertin
BP 197 84134 Le Pontet

sixth classes are already formed. They are between 27 and 28 students per class.
There will be 32 teachers (27 are already appointed).
Hours: 8:30 to 12:25 14h - 17h on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
8:25 to 12:25 Wednesday

For Jonquerettes and St Saturnin there will be a school bus which will depart by bus to 7:45 Jonquerettes of the morning and return in the evening at 17.10 (leaving school).
Each family has to go on holiday to TCRA in Avignon, in order to draw the maps transport.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Why Do I Have So Many Pimples On My Scalp

Summary of Board of School June 16, 2009 Poll

Staff planned for September 2009/10
- kindergarten : - 17 PS
- 21mS
- 16GS
a total of 54 children who will distributed as follows
- Ms. RIVOAL class: 17 PS and 10 or 27 MS students
- Class of Ms. CHARTRAND: 11 MS and 16 students representing 27 GS

Given the number of classes there will be no children in any small section this year.

- Basic : - 8 CP
- 20 CE1
- 13 CE2
- 19 CM1
- 25 CM2
a total of 85 children. The distribution in the classroom is still undecided as 2 solutions are considered:
- Ms. CASSARD class is the 8 and 13 CP CE1
CP is the 8 and 13 CE2
- Class of Ms. MESSAOUDI or 7 and 13 CE1 CE2
either the 20 CE1
- Class Ms. Mathieu: 19 CM1
- Ms. Amoyel class: 25 CM2

Total number of schools: 139 students.

courses and tutoring
A refresher course at the August 24 to 28 is proposed to 4 children 3 children CM1 and CM2. It will be held at the school of Chateauneuf de Gadagne.
tutoring: the result is positive, except for children whose parents do not play the game (absences). But the teachers that he can not relate to children who have big problems at school.

Works and Equipment
An application was filed on the project "rural digital school". If our school is successful it will be equipped with 13 laptops and an interactive whiteboard.

School Council thanked the council for the redevelopment of the street schools: creation of sidewalks, elevated plateau, tarring.

The renovation and upgrade equipment at the canteen is provided (they are 38 years ! )
The school council asked the mayor to renovate the canteen ticketing system as it deems inconvenient. It offers a monthly billing system while keeping the tickets for children who occasionally eat in the canteen.

Parents give the Mayor and his first assistant a petition signed by all parents delegates "yes bio at school" PETITION_MAIRE_H_0.pdf .

Teachers complain of non-compliance of the material by students: books damaged, vandalized tables, packages where there are missing half the equipment ...

School Project
Rider project: a musician bassist Conservatory of Avignon took place in elementary classrooms in the month of June. The project will be for the start of a concert with the goal at Easter!

Review outings and class projects
- the MS-GS went to see "the witch's broom closet" at the Auditorium of Thor
- The classes of Mrs. Amoyel and Matthew were in Avignon see "The Little Prince"
participated in the challenge to modern languages Maubec
go hiking in St Remy de Provence and Arles visit
- Kindergarten classes enjoyed a performance of the Company 3 thistles at school.
- the MS-GS and CP went to the Seaquarium Grau du Roi and the bird park Saintes Maries.
- class Messaoudi Mrs. Ms. Lawrence returned home to study flowering of the olive tree and made an orienteering in the forest Venasque.
- the MFA has exhibited throughout a week "pedestrians"
- Kindergarten will do its fair Friday, June 19
- at the request of the board of the school's fair was shifted to the elementary Thursday, June 25 This year the theme will be Egypt.
- the school party on June 26

Hall Grant Hall is the same as last year: 40 € plus 10 € per child per child at Christmas. At each school outing City Hall is paying the transportation by bus.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Where To Buy Nike Freek Wrestling Shoes


Remember to complete the survey at the bottom right of the blog on the experience Pédibus present and future!

Monday, June 22, 2009

What Hair Products Does Dahvie Vanity Use

Blog for Parents School Jonquerettes

The idea of a blog to communicate with parents by seed here and there ...
Need to contact us, to communicate with representatives of parents but also with parents who can not always be there, because the job, because the movements, whatever ...

Want to know what was said at a meeting ...

Want to discuss a subject that concerns our children ... brief ... a thousand reasons to find a place to freely express themselves, find answers where other parents have already asked the question ...

Jonquerettes A Blog, it can be a little stuff.

So just post a message, to respond to another ... A

you to live this space!

Pierre Peyret

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dell Inspiron Not Supported Camera Detected

Results TRJV and trails

The happy days are here and races are linked to the SNA Lodève.

Young School of ATVs are always present on TRJV and do not end up improving their temps.TRJV St Comes (30) on 24/05: lucas MARTINEZ: 7 °, Julien AUZON: 14 ° Florian MARTINEZ: 29 °, Damien GAUJOUX: 36 °, Erwan Zuger 43 °. TRJV St Gely (34) 31/05: Lucas MARTINEZ: 9 °, Julien AUZON: 13 °, Florian MARTINEZ: 17 °, Lucas BRILLIARD: 24 °, Damien GAUJOUX 29 °, Erwan Zuger 42 ° and Adeline THRUSH : 48 °. TRJV Uzès (30) 7 / 06: only one representative in chicks: Julien AUZON which ranks 14 °

The last weekend was also fought the regional championship of Mende descent (48), our regional champion, Adeline THRUSH, takes place on the podium by finishing 3rd.

Good results for these young after only one year of training. Next season should be more promising.

A big thank you to Silvio for his work with children.

Lodève SNA was also on the roads and trails with its holdings on trails.Tout first, last May 31, and Cyrille Didier went to Chanac (48) or despite stormy weather of pre-race were still a good race, finishing the 22km with 1,000 m dénivllé positive 2:32 and 2:46 for Didier Cyril and are respectively 36 and 67 ° position on more than 200 runners.

June 7 Last, another Lodève, Raphael PEDROS had decided to participate in trail "Draye the Vercors. He made a very good race on the 58km and 3000 D + 29 °, finishing on 110 in 7:52. Other Lodève made the trip and had entered the 28km. Jean Paul Octave découvrèrent this trail and took great pleasure in running these mountainous landscape. Result for them did not count only the pleasure ...

Last TRJV the weekend of June 14 for the School of ATV or Julien AUZON took a good 8 spot.

Next event for others in the raid Taill'aventure Lunas, Saturday and Sunday for children where mountain passes want to retrieve the podium. Continued ...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Xbox Live Stop Reaccurcing


Every year, The Feast of the School is organized by two groups of parents;
It will be held Friday, June 26, 2009 after class
Like every year we need you to make this festival a success.
You have a talent to share with us, ideas for animation, availability and preparation for today
short, all the good wishes and suggestions are welcome,
Your help is greatly appreciated, even if you have little time to spend with us.
Come to our first planning meeting, all the information you are given.
Tuesday, March 31 from 20 h30 local primary school.
You can also show to give us your availability by contacting us: Catherine at RAVON 06 14 69 25 05

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pokemon Firered Cheats Not Work Gpsphone

We warmly thank all parents for their generosity for interclass activities,
Through them we have already recovered 23 games and 25 books or magazines.

You can still give your child's teacher

How To Cheat On Gpsphone Pokemon Fire Red


We warmly thank all parents for their generosity for interclass activities,
Thanks to them we have already recovered 23 games and 25 books or magazines.

You can still give the teacher your child