Results TRJV and trails
The happy days are here and races are linked to the SNA Lodève.
Young School of ATVs are always present on TRJV and do not end up improving their temps.TRJV St Comes (30) on 24/05: lucas MARTINEZ: 7 °, Julien AUZON: 14 ° Florian MARTINEZ: 29 °, Damien GAUJOUX: 36 °, Erwan Zuger 43 °. TRJV St Gely (34) 31/05: Lucas MARTINEZ: 9 °, Julien AUZON: 13 °, Florian MARTINEZ: 17 °, Lucas BRILLIARD: 24 °, Damien GAUJOUX 29 °, Erwan Zuger 42 ° and Adeline THRUSH : 48 °. TRJV Uzès (30) 7 / 06: only one representative in chicks: Julien AUZON which ranks 14 °
The last weekend was also fought the regional championship of Mende descent (48), our regional champion, Adeline THRUSH, takes place on the podium by finishing 3rd.
Good results for these young after only one year of training. Next season should be more promising.
A big thank you to Silvio for his work with children.
Lodève SNA was also on the roads and trails with its holdings on trails.Tout first, last May 31, and Cyrille Didier went to Chanac (48) or despite stormy weather of pre-race were still a good race, finishing the 22km with 1,000 m dénivllé positive 2:32 and 2:46 for Didier Cyril and are respectively 36 and 67 ° position on more than 200 runners.
June 7 Last, another Lodève, Raphael PEDROS had decided to participate in trail "Draye the Vercors. He made a very good race on the 58km and 3000 D + 29 °, finishing on 110 in 7:52. Other Lodève made the trip and had entered the 28km. Jean Paul Octave découvrèrent this trail and took great pleasure in running these mountainous landscape. Result for them did not count only the pleasure ...
Last TRJV the weekend of June 14 for the School of ATV or Julien AUZON took a good 8 spot.
Next event for others in the raid Taill'aventure Lunas, Saturday and Sunday for children where mountain passes want to retrieve the podium. Continued ...