Monday, October 12, 2009

Pokemon Firered Cheat Gpsphone

Show your interest in the school of your enfantRejoignez the CIPF Leon BERLANDAgir Set the CIPF Tell a secular school, fairer Representing more equitable and démocratiqueNous, parents of students in the CIPF, participate in school life to defend the interests of children and represent parents in school councils and groups travailComme you we are parents concerned about the future of our enfants.Ni specialists or professionals, but thanks to the support network CIPF, we act together to improve our school children.You can contact us by calling Catherine RAVON 06 14 69 25 05. or Sylvie Favier TOULZAC-June 1984 98 67 11For the year 2009-2010, we will: · In listening to you and through you: Our School Council representation, we can act on the operation and organization of our school. · To inform you, you see the important issues (school councils, the school party, · blog: ...) The CIPF Leon BERLAND Our actions: · Act involved in school council from various forums about the lack of accompanying children in great difficulty (RASED suppression, network support ...)· Acting remaining vigilant on the number of children per classroom and maintaining positions ♦ Actions of our teachers demanding a sufficient number of kindergarten ATSEM ♦ Actions to the welfare of our children between 12 and 14h and after 16h45 we will pursue, in conjunction with the town hall, this action extracurricular time management, game library, library, animations, and simply relax away from the weather. · Take positive action in pursuing our work to the safety of our children around the school: ask a security officer, to modify the duration of fires, apply a net anti-balloon, secure movement of all ... · Act by offering our support and our thoughts for perpetuation of the Day Morning ♦ Actions to maintain activities at a lower cost, and financially support some school projects (travel, purchase of books for the library ...) ♦ Actions reflecting on projects uniting all parents in friendly actions: organization of the book sale, flea Easter flower market ... · Act organizing the school fair in conjunction with all stakeholders (parents, teachers, volunteers, associations ...)


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