Monday, December 20, 2010

How Do You Tell If A Gay Guy Is Cruising

Journal No. 16 - October 2010 - Editions de l'Usine

Coverage The Museum''forest''wood sculpture Henry Wastin
photo Claude BRABANT

copy sales: 8 euros - Subscription to the journal''Footprints '': 30 euros for 4 issues
The plant 102, Bd de la Villette 75019 Paris - Tel. Mail:
brabant.claude @

Footprints is a wonderful journal of art and literature, wanted by the Editions de l'Usine as a "humor magazine without guideline or gender boundaries, claiming the freedom to be pornographic and provocative when it himself appropriate ". By entering in a constant search for the discovery to install readers in an uninterrupted surprise, she plume publications of works by artists: drawings, engravings, photographs "provided they are not reproduced elsewhere " (raw art, contemporary art) and publications of unpublished writings of authors (both writers and poets or novelists) contemporary or the past, they sometimes ignored or forgotten while their works are found to be surprisingly modern.

Factory is also an exhibition area to discover contemporary artists, painters, sculptors, printmakers, photographers by organizing exhibitions of their work and publishing some artist books.



► MAELE Martin Van (1863-1926) - The great dance of death of the heated

Designer who has illustrated classics (Apuleius, Diderot, Laclos, Michelet, Verlaine), then quickly specialized in erotic book illustrations.

''La Grande Danse Macabre''of the heated where life argument libido and desire for death and the''constraints''of similar force (confinement), is a book of 40 cartoons and humorous, not made for the illustration of a text, but freely by the artist, and published by Charles Carrington hundred copies in 1905. Republished in 1970 in the United States.
Review''Footprints''No. 16 presents a dozen of these drawings.

Cover''La Grande Danse Macabre''of the heated
Martin Van Maele


Contemporary Designer , born 1945, whose works (technical: pen drawing, watercolor, pastel) have been published in magazines (The Fool speaks, Two-Headed, The Literary Magazine) and numerous exhibitions in Paris and the abroad - Germany, Holland, Spain and Latin America.

A very beautiful drawings Raul SCHNEIDER
published in Imprint No. 16

Jean d'ANONYMOUS and hystero-CLASS :

-2008: Creation of the hystero-Collective (a group of contest) in Namur (Belgium) by Luc Marchal (poet), Eric Josse (Photographer), Luc Paperback (sculptor) to use the artwork to raise questions. Action 2008 and 2009: a Jesus-size couch and a punk paper mache are placed in the city.

-2010 : Enlargement of the group joined by artists workshops Mommen (are equivalent to Brussels from boat-wash in Paris) and creating a character with plaster and a coat and tie briefcase:''Jean d' Anonymous the resigned''which is supposed to work from, stops suddenly open public place, by placing a finger on his forehead.

discover in the journal: the motivations and meanings of the gesture. A follow
photograph after photograph, the saga of J. Anonymous posted to its creators at Thursday, April 21 Saturday, April 23, 2010 before the parliament of Wallonia, while the first minister made his resignation for the fifth time.

► Wastin Henry and forest museum :

Located in the Ardennes (near Renwez), this museum was created in 1988 by Henri Wastin on communal land, to pay tribute to the forest and the various trades TODAY 'hui Missing bark strippers, makers of ashes, etc.. . .

Claude Brabant, accompanying a series of beautiful photographs in black and white (see cover of the magazine), offers a narrative on how to design and implementation of these amazing snowmen wood very endearing, and their morphological characteristics and their rationale, their modes of integration woody plant world through their activities not only professional but also domestic or leisure.

► Joel GAYRAUD 'marabouts cards, a collection of folk art'

"Marabout, bow string, saddle, horse, joke, spirit of salt, sea salt, sea ice, plate glass, din, marabout. . . ". This childish tirade in images placed end to end and pulled at each end to move forward, endless turns - like a lot - on the marabout.
In support of this "snake biting words of the tail happily," Joel Gayraud, having collected since 1977, mostly in Paris and its inner suburbs, more than two thousand cards marabouts presents us with great wit, and sometimes finding itself hilarious, his collection, while stressing his stalking and pursuit of poetry and popular involuntary that contain these cards.

• Saddle,''''To apply : The''John Doe'', Master (s) and other (s) Teacher (s) start in a race to competition.
"I quickly realized that their editors are copied each other (...), Some stunned even forget to change all the names of their competitor (...), One praises the qualities at a time the other (...) "

• With all their tricks , and whose beauty formulas is very attractive when:
"Specialist graduate of all reflections"
-impose "an image that is intended sharp, but it remains unclear it the''iron cutting iron'''
-up of protective interventions marabout "creates the geniuses in music, film, theater (...)"

• Tintamarre . . . involuntary through poetic "approximation of the language, both in spelling and in terms of syntax."
Thus, when one - Professor - predicted "The VNIR" to find "The Lost mour. . . the most important center of African medium, another "fact''to win games of chance''or" helps fight the loss of''horses''.

• Way mirror : "many are discovering illustrious ancestors." This that "working power''traders'''' with a ring of love''has the''gift of his grandmother'' while this one boasts of have titles and honors: the''world famous trusts him (...). "
unwittingly marabouts generously use figures of speech. Delicious oxymoron for this medium is having "discreet world class." Hyperbole for nimble genius doubled protective of skills to psychoanalysis which "gifts of clairvoyance for centuries." clever euphemism for "great magician who studied in India''which offers examinations for sex have strength in love and ''which, like any magician, becomes a little later, in a sleight of Password fruitful "The Honourable Professor''which may help to have children''.

• Spirit of salt, sea salt :
"The understanding of the card is sometimes a decryption (...)''Working with Corrie, shell''he need a small time for reflection to understand that are used cowrie shells called."

• Sea ice : man - woman - rival (e) are fed up eventually, and then resort to divination or magical practices.

"This is the issue of love and desire that is based essentially on the activity of marabouts one of which provides ''I will bring back your beloved (e). I'll dream of you night and you will be constantly present in his thoughts and away from your rival (s)'', and the other certify ''he'll run behind you like a dog behind his master''" .

early 2000, the beautiful and enigmatic profession AMOUREULOGUE displayed on a first and then another card is, in fact, inaugurated!

the Amoureulogue: - creation I. Integration by dalbe
the card 'Amoureulogue'
Collection Joel Gayraud

Show original map white / black - Footprints Journal No. 16
Other marabouts cards in this collection of folk art are presented

• Draught Horse: A map work, that turns and returns in their land of implantation, the azimuth data and all concerns of an era.

- "Reading maps marabouts can track the increasing dangers in health." By 1987 flourish against the promises of cures "very serious diseases, even " unknown disease " but without ever being mentioned AIDS or cancer. Forms appear protection against "hazards and disasters (...)" reflecting the trauma left by Chernobyl.

- "In the mid-1980s with the rise of Islamism appear references to the work performed on''pentagrams and extracts from the Koran''(...)"
"In those years marabouts propose the elimination of alcohol and tobacco (...).
Towards the end of the millennium are emerging indication of the treatment of obesity (...) "

-Year 2000: "references to white magic, black or sexual (...)''To remove a spell, to Satanism, the destruction of evil, exorcism of the ghost houses'''

• On a marabou Marabout : attracting customers to the self.

- "The eloquence of an orator" : customer focused, listing, storing, pounding the formula with increasing power, and contraction in a final slogan "Artists, if you have problems (...) come see me. Disabled, if you have problems (...) Type at my door. A team that has problems (...) Can come see me. A football player or basketball (...) Can also come see me. (...) Etc.. . . So in a word, everyone can come see me if they want to be bright "

-The skill of communicating true targeting" sensitive records:
"(...) 30% reduction ".
Discloser sometimes carried away by an excess of optimism "Pass 100 000% in 48 hours "or the laudable respect for the brotherhood " no distinction of race or religion or social condition, "said the marabou " world-renowned practitioner of psychotherapy sessions (group) and consultation of oracles. "

Neither client nor a journalist, sociologist or addicted to "picturesque poverty" Gayraud Joel is a poet and searching on these cards, paper all the time thread, proving those formulas marabout poet. We Brive has to inform the person who, true poet, "said " The secret of my soul lightens the mysteries. "


Chantal Robillard-Pluvinel: Three new novel

''The Little Pigs'', ''A Lesson Love'',''The red gown'' three texts perfectly at ease with "scents of love and rumors of bodies."

Ernest-Marie D'Hervilly (1839-1911): Stories entertaining
With a caricature of EM Hervilly published in the journal''Today''Men

Journalist, novelist, poet and author of plays (played at the French Comedy and the Odeon Theatre from 1873 to 1897). He who saw himself as "The bearded and non Hervilly Barbey d'Aurevilly" author forgot to give us find entertaining because of his writing full of freshness, the three stories proposed:
''To talk about something else. . . where''about his friend who is drone, it sings gaily with him "they are pretty friends you're likely to go with! ";
''A''dream girl where grace vies with irony grating;
and''The Christs in the snow'' story of a beautiful game, culminating with an event. . . which is the chic in the game

► Marc de Montifaud (Marie-Emilie said Chartroule) (1845-1912)''The calyx of Madame de Trigonec''

Passionate about the art she writes articles for the journal''The Artist ', says Gustave Doré, Corot, Manet and the Impressionists, and Letters. His stories and novels provocative lovers, anticlerical-censored him some cause of action even when the publication ''The Vestal Virgins of the church'' , sentenced to imprisonment of three months in the pavilion while criminals and prostitutes that writers generally enjoyed a special pavilion. In 1878, exiled in Belgium, but constantly threatened with expulsion, yet there she is editing the first volume of his droll News which is extracted ''The Chalice Lady Trigonec '' where "there was a failure to ensure the Republican Party " who turned to farce shocking and bizarre " sacred vessels. " This book won him in 1880, a conviction in absentia (six months in prison; 500francs fine) issued in Paris where she returned in 1881, upon proclamation of the freedom of the press. But it was not until 1885 that calmed the hatred against him. Then she can publish without being molested, and enter the newspaper La Fronde , an early feminist daily, before being overtaken by ill health and financial services. .

► René HADDAD''Memories of Childhood'':

Very short stories where the author says in concise sentences and simple important things brought and taken away by the joys and fears, questions and statements . An astounding clarity encounter surprises every fall happened, kept closed until the end where they did that then become more striking and biting, to the reader.

I. Dalbe

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Repalce Info.plst On Sims 3 Mac

Minutes of the meeting of December 11, 2010


TOULZAC-Sylvie Favier, Vincent ENRICO, Caroline Buisson, Isabelle-Darman POUZET


- Validation Minutes of the meeting from 25/09/2010

- projects

2010-2011 - other topics

1 - Validation of COMPTR minutes of the general assembly from 25/09/2010

It reads the report General Meeting of 25 September which is validated.

An excerpt detailing the deliberation of new board members will be sent upon signature of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson at the Prefecture and the bank.

On the balance sheet, it was agreed to grant the sum of 200 € for purchase of indoor games for the daycare lunch and evening elementary schools and kindergarten.

order to better tailor our purchases, Sylvie handles get in touch with the child-care providers to identify their needs.

It also agreed to conduct a second time, after the next garage sale, purchase outdoor play time for the 2 nursery schools.

Regarding the benefits of school party (around 4000 €), it was agreed to propose to the QSBCS award of 2500 € to 2 schools, prorated to the number of students in each school.

It was agreed to ask each director allocation of that amount for clarity.

On the blog of the association set up by Sylvie, Vincent and Caroline also intend to be administrators of the blog and thus revitalize as a relay of school councils, relaying information from the school and relay projects of the association.

Once revitalized, he agreed to take a flyer in the school bags for children to remember the blog address families.

Sylvie is responsible for creating an administrator account Caroline and Vincent.

2 - Projects 2010-2011

Empty attic

It was agreed to renew the flea market in 2011. The date of Saturday, May 7 is retained.

are reminded that it must be at least 5-6 people for organizing and implementing the event.

The association members interested are invited to come forward with Isabelle, who like last year will coordinate the organization of the empty granary.

A subsequent meeting will be organized specifically to flea.

Day School

It is proposed two dates for the next school party:

Friday, June 24 or Saturday, June 25

These two dates will be proposed to 'QSBCS and members of the CIPF to survey. It may also be made a survey of families to know their preference.

Note that if the day Saturday is validated, it will review the form that can not be the same as a Friday night.

It was agreed that a date of first meeting in Week 12: Tuesday, March 23 at 20h or Saturday, March 26 at 10am, in 2 cases at the elementary school (depending on the availability of many).

The first meeting will agree on the activities implemented on the volunteers available and determine a responsible commission.

The second meeting (week 19) will provide an update on the progress of various committees and the difficulties encountered.

The third meeting will make final adjustments.

3 - Other topics

Carolina rightly noted that we do not organize anything for the Christmas period. It is recalled before we organized a book sale, which required more time and handling of that interest to families and financial return.

It was agreed to consider an action for Christmas 2012. The idea of a lottery is advanced. This raises the problem of room. Isabella informs that it is possible to reserve the room Vigenal Municipal (municipal hall closest to the school) but must do it well in advance because it is widely sought.

Sylvie offers to learn from the barracks if there are opportunities, which would have the advantage of proximity.

It is proposed to consider such an event on a Saturday or a Sunday afternoon in order to enhance parent-child time.

Isabella revived the idea of timetables for next year. She takes the example of another school of Limoges proposing with great success in 2 cases a calendar with a class photo end of calendar year and a class photo in the middle of school year . These two actions are not "competing" and would be able to finance other actions of the school.

In this logic of thinking, the idea of achieving plastic placemat why not during the holidays for mothers and fathers is proposed. The idea is to perform this action in partnership with teachers. Sylvie proposes to "test" this idea from a kindergarten teacher.

Like last year, it is proposed to repeat an appeal for donations of books and played games with families to feed and care for 2 schools. This action is scheduled for January 2011. It

will be necessary to liaise with the 2 directors to obtain their agreement that parents can bring books and games through teachers.

The call will donate via flyer in children notebooks and display.

It also agreed to contact the RAE Miss Larissa to schedule an appointment one afternoon to discuss the operation time of noon (including canteen) and time after class, preferably with the presence of Julia, the head of kindergarten to elementary school. Interested persons are requested to known to Isabelle before January 7, which will contact this person Monday, January 10. Caroline said already interested.

Once the date is determined, it will be communicated to the QSBCS so they can join the meeting.

On the dirt in front of the school and safety problems, it was agreed that Sylvie Nicolas resume contact with the QSBCS which would prepare a letter on behalf of the 2 associations at the Town Hall.

Wakeskate Winch How To Build

council maternal Thursday, November 4, 2010 to 18H.

For kindergarten, we have four positions, so here is the list of candidates:

Vincent Enrico

Carolina BUSH,

Colette Aymard

Sylvie Favier-TOULZAC.
The board is Thursday, November 4 to 18H.

Pakistani Wedding Invitation Matter

ELECTIONS 2010-2011

here is the list of candidates: Elementary, we obtained seven positions: ELEMENTARY

alternates may attend without missing even if they want

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tracker Knife Template

performance by Jean MAS and the Ecole de Nice became part of history ART - 4 / 12 / 2010 Museum RETIF-VENCE - FRANCE

Rétif Museum - VENCE - December 4, 2010 -
performance by Jean MAS
- Sun and cameras at the Rendez-Vous - Photo Catherine MAS

On December 4, 2010, Jean MAS Artist School of Nice has executed his Performas ''The Nativity School of Nice in smoke''to Museum Rétif Avenue Rhin et Danube - VENCE before a large and enthusiastic audience, who came to attend the dissolution of 'L'Ecole de Nice'. A gesture echoing the dissolution of the New Realism in 1970 by Pierre RESTANY.




Jean MAS - Perform''The Nativity School of Nice in smoke ''
front of a painting by Pierre Pinoncelli - Museum Rétif -
Photo Catherine Mas

Jean MAS and part of the audience - Photo Catherine Mas

PerfrorMas Jean MAS - Museum restive - VENCE -
Photo Mathias GIRARD


Alexander the ROOM, Curated

'1960 -2010, 50 years of the Ecole de Nice'' - Museum Rétif - VENCE - Photo Catherine MAS -

" (...) Before firing, texts of some fifteen artists and specialists from the School of Nice were read by France Delville, preceded a statement by the curator.
Although Alexander Hall does not believe there is still "any consciousness of a collective singularity " the spirit of the Ecole de Nice owned by him" always to each of the singularities of each member. " For the gallery it was closing parenthesis of a long cycle .
Source: Michel Divet - Nice-Matin of 05/12/2010

Reading Statements by artists France Delville , Art Critic
P hoto Mathias Girard


Camera in hand, Jean-Pierre MIROUZE renowned director, artistic director, and great musician - to the works of Pierre Pinoncelli -
Photo Catherine Mas


A very public attentive to the readings statements of artists - Interior Museum Rétif - VENCE - Photo Nelly Orango Riteau

" The symbolic significance of the event apparently escaped anyone Michel Divet , journalist - NICE MORNING-



Nativity'' Ecole de Nice'' before and during the firing ( Photos Catherine Mas ) / Jean MAS behind the smoke screen blue Klein during the Performance of December 4, 2010 Museum RETIF - VENCE - FRANCE
(Photo Mathias Girard)

THE MORNING OF December 4, 2010 before firing , ''The Nativity School of Nice''by Jean MAS : Small Wonder

Photo Nelly Orango Riteau

Work began in 2003. Exhibited in 2004 at Galerie MATARASSO (Nice) in 2005 at the Windsor Hotel (Nice) in 2010 at the Museum Retif (Norway). Consisting of 150 figures (yearly figures have been added): Human : artists of the School of Nice or orbiting, art critics, psychoanalysts, researchers, mythical characters - Charlie -. . . Listed: Purpose central replacement baby Jesus, the book from which escapes powder blue klein, works of artists, wine bottles and Bellet Festival LITTLE (*) from Bonson. . . Pets : ostrich, the penguins, eagles, cat. . . instead of beef and donkey.
(*) the''No''is a record of Works by Jean MAS -

detail to the characters in this nursery extraordinarily expressive and joyful -
Orango Nelly Photo Riteau

Detail from the central plane of the Nativity School of Nice - Photo Catherine Mas

Jean Mas and Mas Catherine opening the book from which escapes from the powder blue klein.
Around few artists of the Ecole de Nice : César, Arman, Ben with his sign, Sosno, Sergius III, Alocco, Chubac, Gilli, Nives, and Raymond Hains (New realistic), Pierre Restany (Critique of art)


Installation by Jean MAS the''Nativity School of Nice''for firing
- Museum Rétif - VENCE - Nelly Photo Orango Riteau

1ST PHASE: 400 BLOWS firecrackers

400 firecrackers sputter. . . echoing the''400''SHOT OF THE SCHOOL OF NICE

Jean MAS and the cord of 400 firecrackers (Back side of the crib) -
photo Mathias Girard

Cameras in action, the public scrap the explosion of firecrackers
Photo Mathias Girard


Shot klein blue smoke by Jean MAS
Photo Mathias Girard

Flying Klein blue smoke - to the camera in action Public -
photo Catherine MAS

In Memory of Yves Klein - Jean Mas Klein blue, gold, blue school Nice - after the firing of smoke -
Photo Mathias Girard


The spraying of the Nativity School of Nice by Jean MAS - In the audience: Jean-Pierre Mirouze, director and Alain Amiel, Publisher - Photo Anne Agulles

Firing by Jean MAS - Photo Mathias Girard

The Flight of the fire and Jean MAS in a surge in performance -
Photo Mathias Girard

The fire in the Nursery School of Nice rises toward the blue sky
Photo Mathias Girard

Their presence given at the School of Fire and Nice : Jean-MAS (center), Jean-Pierre MIROUZE , filmmaker, and (right), and the public -
Photo Catherine Mas

Super Dialogue figures of the School of Nice with fire - Photo Gallery Rétif

In the Nativity School of Nice on fire: the blue gold Ecole de Nice
Photo Gilbert Pedinielli

The Crèche ablaze - Photo Gallery Rétif

The fire was due to the Nativity School of Nice -
Photo Mathias Girard

Silhouettes ash figures of the Ecole de Nice-Photo Gallery Rétif

The last resistance

At first the manger Plan: the open book and kneeling figure on the right (Catherine MAS) have long resisted and were the last to be consumed. Photo C. Mas
" (...) In the manger, baby Jesus is a book, the kind John Joseph Mas, Mas and Catherine the Virgin Mary, who also oversees the School of Nice giving him vitamins. One day Gilli said the school had much nice to women. . . »France Delville, Art Critic

Delville France - Art Critic - filming a little fire of the Nativity of the School of Nice -
Photo Catherine Mas

The fire after flames - Photo Mathias GIRARD


"The school was nice. . . but? " Text questioning who presented to the museum Rétif Nativity of John the MAS.

Alexandre de la Salle and Jean Mas behind the smokescreen final dissipating - Photo Catherine Mas


Garden Museum Rétif guarded by the giraffes - Poster 1960-2010''exhibition of 50 YEARS OF SCHOOL NICE''(08-06 / 12-12 -2010) faces the ashes of the Nativity School of Nice - Photo Gallery restive

Ashes of the Nativity School of Nice - Part performance with the performance of MAS John''The Nativity School of Nice in smoke ''- before the Poster exhibition''1960-2010 50 Years of the School of Nice''- Photo Gallery Rétif



The Nativity School of Nice in smoke - Museum of Rétif VENCE - 12/04/2010
Photo Nelly Orango Riteau

DISSOLUTION OF SCHOOL OF NICE on 4/12/2010 by Jean MAS, Museum Rétif - VENCE - FRANCE

Performas''The Nativity School of Nice in smoke "

Jean MAS - Photo Mathias Girard / Inclusion on the photo (by I. Dalbe) the conclusion of Alexander Hall -

The Nativity School of Nice in smoke. . .

"Therefore, the School of Nice clearly identified as an object becomes forever part of history of art, significant movement of the second half of the twentieth century" Alexander De La Salle

LINK: ACCESS to the previous article "The Nativity School of Nice''


VIDEO LINK Jean Claude Cool "John Mas lit the fire"

I. Dalbe

Dr Arvind Poswal Results

Wednesday, December 29

appointment at 8:00 to Luteva (Lodève) for global recognition of the route 2011.

Provide meals from the bag and an exercise duration of around 9.00.

However for those who wish to stop can Lauroux (30 km). Know if it's your choice to arrange the return conveyed to Lodeve.