Thursday, December 16, 2010

Repalce Info.plst On Sims 3 Mac

Minutes of the meeting of December 11, 2010


TOULZAC-Sylvie Favier, Vincent ENRICO, Caroline Buisson, Isabelle-Darman POUZET


- Validation Minutes of the meeting from 25/09/2010

- projects

2010-2011 - other topics

1 - Validation of COMPTR minutes of the general assembly from 25/09/2010

It reads the report General Meeting of 25 September which is validated.

An excerpt detailing the deliberation of new board members will be sent upon signature of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson at the Prefecture and the bank.

On the balance sheet, it was agreed to grant the sum of 200 € for purchase of indoor games for the daycare lunch and evening elementary schools and kindergarten.

order to better tailor our purchases, Sylvie handles get in touch with the child-care providers to identify their needs.

It also agreed to conduct a second time, after the next garage sale, purchase outdoor play time for the 2 nursery schools.

Regarding the benefits of school party (around 4000 €), it was agreed to propose to the QSBCS award of 2500 € to 2 schools, prorated to the number of students in each school.

It was agreed to ask each director allocation of that amount for clarity.

On the blog of the association set up by Sylvie, Vincent and Caroline also intend to be administrators of the blog and thus revitalize as a relay of school councils, relaying information from the school and relay projects of the association.

Once revitalized, he agreed to take a flyer in the school bags for children to remember the blog address families.

Sylvie is responsible for creating an administrator account Caroline and Vincent.

2 - Projects 2010-2011

Empty attic

It was agreed to renew the flea market in 2011. The date of Saturday, May 7 is retained.

are reminded that it must be at least 5-6 people for organizing and implementing the event.

The association members interested are invited to come forward with Isabelle, who like last year will coordinate the organization of the empty granary.

A subsequent meeting will be organized specifically to flea.

Day School

It is proposed two dates for the next school party:

Friday, June 24 or Saturday, June 25

These two dates will be proposed to 'QSBCS and members of the CIPF to survey. It may also be made a survey of families to know their preference.

Note that if the day Saturday is validated, it will review the form that can not be the same as a Friday night.

It was agreed that a date of first meeting in Week 12: Tuesday, March 23 at 20h or Saturday, March 26 at 10am, in 2 cases at the elementary school (depending on the availability of many).

The first meeting will agree on the activities implemented on the volunteers available and determine a responsible commission.

The second meeting (week 19) will provide an update on the progress of various committees and the difficulties encountered.

The third meeting will make final adjustments.

3 - Other topics

Carolina rightly noted that we do not organize anything for the Christmas period. It is recalled before we organized a book sale, which required more time and handling of that interest to families and financial return.

It was agreed to consider an action for Christmas 2012. The idea of a lottery is advanced. This raises the problem of room. Isabella informs that it is possible to reserve the room Vigenal Municipal (municipal hall closest to the school) but must do it well in advance because it is widely sought.

Sylvie offers to learn from the barracks if there are opportunities, which would have the advantage of proximity.

It is proposed to consider such an event on a Saturday or a Sunday afternoon in order to enhance parent-child time.

Isabella revived the idea of timetables for next year. She takes the example of another school of Limoges proposing with great success in 2 cases a calendar with a class photo end of calendar year and a class photo in the middle of school year . These two actions are not "competing" and would be able to finance other actions of the school.

In this logic of thinking, the idea of achieving plastic placemat why not during the holidays for mothers and fathers is proposed. The idea is to perform this action in partnership with teachers. Sylvie proposes to "test" this idea from a kindergarten teacher.

Like last year, it is proposed to repeat an appeal for donations of books and played games with families to feed and care for 2 schools. This action is scheduled for January 2011. It

will be necessary to liaise with the 2 directors to obtain their agreement that parents can bring books and games through teachers.

The call will donate via flyer in children notebooks and display.

It also agreed to contact the RAE Miss Larissa to schedule an appointment one afternoon to discuss the operation time of noon (including canteen) and time after class, preferably with the presence of Julia, the head of kindergarten to elementary school. Interested persons are requested to known to Isabelle before January 7, which will contact this person Monday, January 10. Caroline said already interested.

Once the date is determined, it will be communicated to the QSBCS so they can join the meeting.

On the dirt in front of the school and safety problems, it was agreed that Sylvie Nicolas resume contact with the QSBCS which would prepare a letter on behalf of the 2 associations at the Town Hall.


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