Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Southparkstudios Itouch

TRJV Vauvert

From little green men come to land on the planet bike!

But who are these green jerseys who point their noses in the lead platoons and podiums Trophy Regional Youth mountain bikers and ATV Regional Cup this Sunday, April 18?

Those are the youth section of SNA Lodève ATV with their brand new jerseys green!
It was during the cup round regional cross country and Congéniès TRJV Vauvert (XC + fall) swim on Sunday that the summers were baptized with the vineyards.

A nice baptism because there were no less than three podiums including two Céléné Fabre youngest category and one for Emily Nicol at the Benjamin!

The boys have not fallen and are shown in prior posts, including Lucas Martinez, who was racing head-to mid-term test of cross-country before "the turn slipped under my wheel ... " according to these words!

Our pilots in the overall TRJV Vauvert (30):

Pupils: Basil Balhouane 27th;

Benjamines and benjamin: Emily Nicol third, Lucas Martinez 10th (4th in XC); Corey Bellet 25th;

Minimes: Florian Martinez 9th;

cadets: Céléné Fabre third; Erwan Zuger 13th;

Cup regional cross country Congéniès (30): Belle: Céléné Fabre third; Cadet: Erwan Zuger 18th; Minimal: Florian Martinez 8th;

In runners, the SNA will be here this Friday, April 23 for the start of the 6666 Occitan trail organized by Antoine Guillon Team Lafuma from Vailhan. This trail of 118 km to go solo as Francis Caumes and Rapha Pedros or relay any 2 teams Spiridon, the first consisting of Souyris Patrick, Christopher and Nicolas Gumiel Debien and the second team of Cyril Fesquet, Yann Roualdes and Didier orking. These representatives Lodève hope to finish this first technical event that crosses the massif for arrivals Caroux Roquebrun but also carry the flag for SCN.Les results of this test very soon.


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