Thursday, February 3, 2011

Futanari Mangga Online

L Impromptu Number Two - Bulletin of the umbo - POETRY AND ART

Thumbnail coverage of the Impromptu number two

In a very nice word
"The impromptu is a noise dissipates. "

This bulletin-review, led by Jean-Pierre Paraggio remains in the vein of the Journal of the umbo, a very clean design, and, over the titles, authors sometimes presented unknown, but most notable names of actual poetry. Also maintained the happy contribution illustrators (paints, inks, drawings, collage, graphite, photos).

After The number one IMPROMPTU ► CONTENTS (Reminder):


IMPROMPTU Here's number two. Summary In this issue:


- WORK COLLECTIVE - 1936: Collage - Province of Malaga, Spain
- Philippe Lemaire : collage''The rumblings of desire''
- Rik LINA : Inks''Baron Saturday '';''Woman''Bomb-mail kopie
- Heloisa PESSOA : etching Eclosao''''; etching ''''Capricornio

POEMS AND DOCUMENTS - Excerpts below -:

- Alain Joubert :

An unpublished text of A.. Joubert fortunately finally issued.

GRAND inaccurate - excerpts -

"When in 1994 Peter Peuchmaurd reached to edit the newspaper that Maurice Blanchard wrote between 1942 and 1946 under the title''Dancing on the rope''I had the opportunity to report in an article for the magazine'' literary.'' Was briefly set. (...) The "Magazine" in question at the last moment decided not to publish my text, without explanation. (...) Maurice Blanchard remaining still the great unknown of modern poetry shimmering surreal, I thought''revive''a little flame was worth, knowing that we must be able to procure''Dancing''on the rope by means of the Internet, without a doubt! It is even a duty to do so and get it done. . . (...)
Yes, it should read in the string, the editor Thierry Patrice (Ether Wave - Toulouse) had the nerve to publish the end of 94 - before tragically disappearing - and nobody talks about, of course! (...) "

Alain Joubert, briefly then, but with consistency, reactive flame which he ran with the strength security around Mauritius Blanchard

" (...) One of the greatest poets of this century - but one of the most misunderstood as well - a friend of Joe Bousquet, Paul Eluard, Rene Char, close, very close, surrealism, even if only briefly participated in the activities of the Movement,''almost by accident,''the solitude and the work occupying most of his life.
The "work" poetic, of course: Malebolge , Strength of flesh , The Mysterious Barricades , C'es t party and you knew nothing , especially between 1934 and 1939. Later, after the war, Heights walls , Man and mirrors or The World around us . But also the "work" at all. Blanchard is one of the largest aeronautical engineering between the wars, designer / builder of a score of flying machines, including the notorious''seaplane Blanchard MB3''which, in 1924, defeated two world records for altitude (...).
When arrive the year 1942 we find him at the head office (Paris) studies warplanes German Junkers. Collaborator, Blanchard? No, no, he was placed there in accordance with the resistance network''Brutus''mole right in the heart of the Nazi system. Therefore, it is dancing on the string , and take the opportunity to keep his diary between 42 and 46, this formidable''paved''- it looks like a piece of beef - which is 700 pages ''while , except the journal of a man of letters'' , writes Peter Peuchmaurd in the remarkable presentation that accompanies the book (1).

Guided by his mood, Blanchard evokes memories of his childhood and youth, talks about his job as an engineer, deals with fierce humor, literally mad, life daily under occupation, politics, rumors, the evolution of war and the conduct of its German leaders, and perfectly stashed ineffective when they are offered several solutions to one problem, what never fails to Blanchard, even if only to seize a little more Nazi war machine! (...).
Blanchard also recounts his amazing adventures during the exodus, and the flavor of the situations encountered, like the energy he brings to overcome them, give them a''difficult times''hénaurme humor. (...).
(...) Between the hilarious and tragic stories - a treasure trove for historians who should pounce on this text! - And the crises of lucid rage, many considerations slip on a secret and subtle poetic creation, who are the invisible fabric of the paper, its structure and fascinating mysérieuse (...) "

  1. Maurice Blanchard''Dancing on the rope,''Journal 1942-1946 , 720 pages, Ether Wave / Thierry Patrice, Toulouse, 1994
  2. - REMINDER of the admirable volume in the Poets''Today''(Seghers), Pierre Peuchmaurd devoted to Maurice Blanchard in 1988

Alain Joubert's text is followed by a bibliography posthumous Maurice Blanchard.

- Jean-Yves BéRIOU :


A search in several shipments (this delivery is the second), Jean-Yves Bériou on:

" (...) inspiration the strong sense and full report of magnetization sensitive and reciprocal rights and the world, and language, the fulcrum of the operation. The principle of analogy, the genius of metamorphosis, duplication trembling words and things in their relations sensitive, while that which characterizes all true poetry, is at work before writing poetry, from the primary relationship of man the world around, nature and its kingdoms (...) ".

Philippe Lemaire - Collage''The rumblings of desire''


FIRE TO BEAM - Excerpts -

text appeared with a picture of Yves Nadal
The Rattle in Black No. 1 -1979

balls red, black balls, the very small
penitentiary where the head turns do
no shadow, hands walled and night
double and all the moons in the dark. There
so many stars, scissors, cardboard, roses
in the garden. What are you doing tonight?

Rosées pink sweats blondes, the barriers
summer. Where nothing is bead loss, halter
black Holidays, long unmade bed
wind. Where nothing pearl is the outrage, your
ass in the shadow spells.

(...) It
summer. Large fields of desire are passing


- Joel GAYRAUD : two poems: ' '''Lock,''Trance''

TRANCE - excerpts -

Just a foghorn
wake a female in this palace built for drawers
circumstances of unstoppable
(. ..)
Grating smile n'emprisonnent that false friends

- Olivier HERV Y: a set of texts which we delight as they form bounding and projecting reading matter and then to say about what we had not necessarily thought of.

squib - excerpts -

It size, cut, suture. . . Many efforts around its good for nothing changes.

The confidant is a small couch where you turn your back on him to whom we speak, so far from representing due discretion, it confirms that the most mocked the concerns of others.

High in the mother, nourished in the fields of good lineage. . . So that one wonders why they killed an animal with such qualities.

The vegetable market makes us ever less room.
The error just as calculating.

-Roberto SAN GEROTEO : two poems:''He said''sometimes,''''ridiculous tiny star

Star tiny insignificant
a single drop
falls alone
at the end of the earth
then 2 then 3 then 4 then 5
all the pearls of a necklace
flesh brittle earth
broken lost
while rain
doubles in other dons
also ready
turn to fall to the ground
the sun for days and sentences
makes them disappear
for the shade of a tree loaded with future
leaves, tears, flowers, fruit.

Feature in this issue of the first part of the bibliogaphie (ongoing) of this poet.

-Heraclitus - V century BC. JC.

differs from what is born the most beautiful harmony,

Louis-François Delisse : epistolary poem to his brother Xavier

Bury me sitting
as are the hills.
Standing as dies
the tree. Inclined as
dry reeds.

Heloisa PESSOA

- Sergio LIMA: Portuguese poem - excerpt -

O olhar é o processo da amoroso Visao



The impromptu Number Two - The Bulletin umbo
4 euros per copy including postage - Support: 15 euros
Jean-Pierre Paraggio 33, Avenue Jules Ferry 74100 ANNEMASSE

LINK: The site

LINK: Summary The impromptu number one and Titles of works from the Collection of Umbo


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