Saturday, July 31, 2010

No Marks Cream Works On Pigmentation

ventilate the air '- A few pictures of some books of poetry collection, The Dial lined'

Image created by Isabelle Dalbe detail from a photo (July 2010) of the window Summer, The Tropic '- Saint-Etienne - France - with books of poetry Collection' The Dial lined '


'The empire of superstition' of Jean-Yves BĂ©riou

Eternity 'by Roger Munier

And in one of two books, read to find:

"(...) of gold dust"



books A Collection of Poetry, The Dial lined ': Ordinance' of Joel Gayraud - Summer Showcase 'The Tropics' - Saint-Etienne - France -

Ventilate air
Blanch whiteness


The Dial Collection Online Mayne 19700 SAINT-CLEMENT
3 euros each book - 20 titles available

I. Dalbe


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