• Performance:
Performa SALE: Jean MAS Super Slam text by Alain Amiel "A little bit of everything, a little nothing, a little of nothing" - LAUSANNE 25/09/2010
• 17/09 to 26/09/2010: Exhibition of recent works by Jean MAS LAUSANNE - Space Art Gallery Joel Guyot
LINK: Program Event
" performance because that it involves more physically the artist by his presence, his speech and his uniqueness, becomes a work in itself, thereby authentic.
A performance is a performance by Jean MAS, a signature. The title has my name, it is the immediate expression of embodied what I present. A contraction that individualizes what I do, I say, I am proposing. My performances pose an artistic self-references that the legitimate work of art I like producing and generating interest for the spectator, saying that it is the picture (me) that creates the viewer.
a performance: to tell the inattention given to show the world, to say that the style is the man, but the sundial is his shadow that gives us time, man as dream of a shadow.
Being a little off, offset, is handling the subversion that allows us the language, offer the pleasure of getting lost in a thought that puts an instant, your life in the place of performance. The word is it not an extension of the body? It affects us, We mark. Some of my actions may be limited to encourage listening. (...) My exhibitions are often the occasion of a performance (...) Make
! The sense prevail in the aftermath. This is the meaning of love. (...)
The artist only expresses his relationship to the world, chaos, chaos he runs his own way (...).
The artist can use to see what is not, that is to say, to be indicative of the last word (...)
" Jean MAS - Clips Book-40 YEARS OF ART OF ATTITUDE - Alain Amiel Publisher
Performance 'Mas John Cage in the giant flies (1991) -
Height: 3, 20M - Diameter 2.10-million during the exhibition 'SHADOWS'
Collection GILETTA _ _
Flatten cage fly white gold (retail)
" La Cage Flies (CAM) was exposed at the opening of the Centre Beaubourg (1977). It's nonsense, Art surface. Like humor. CAM and CAM spirit exposed by producing a truth that can not be taken seriously. (...) In my art attitude, my mythology, the performance is the implementation of the no fly because I say that the discourse has replaced the insect. " J. Mas
The Cage Flies, from 1973, becomes the object of John Mas princeps, the vehicle of artistic expression, his weapon of mass creation. This reminiscence practice child suitable for some students who, with a cork and hollow pins, manufactured small cells to lock up the flies caught during class, going to switch from playful child in the art field. The art critic, Jacques Lepage, in 1970, refers to the Cage Flies as the object symbol mythology individual Mas. Since then, the hope of Mas to be perceived in a metonymic relation with its object such as Vinci / Mona Lisa, Mas / Cage Flies, came true. It is more than an association, a sort of thing.
La Cage Flies is always presented empty. Jean Mas explains: " it took me an entire cultural heritage to remove the bug and change the subject in prison paltry and insignificant" . And this vacuum allows it to question the world: " take a rope and everything comes, but it's all coming. It should then be sorted without being able to say''because''I did everything to stifle party to show it off, that is to say the work is to give air, fresh air and this is not enough to say, it should be! ".
"My CAM is a least something that makes a work of art full of meaning, a foundation upon which are built the extras are: Shadows, Peo. . . Somehow, the Cage Flies is a sculpture of habitat architecture in mind, an ultimate referent. (...) "
From the emptiness of Cage born objects bearing the traces of this air which Jean MAS does not fail. The SHADOWS BUBBLE and manifest the invisible presence of the air found in its proposals: in the blowing LITTLE column empty versions in the wind "FOR SALE" (a simple sign "FOR SALE "landed without permission on a beach, a museum, a bridge, a railway station... we asked about the value and values: Jean Mas sells wind) and the WALK OF WORDS (*) necessarily made in the open air. Thus
to date came out of the Cage: Air Objects (the BUBBLE the SHADOWS), Games of letters ( LITTLE the VERSIONS) and Shares ( SALE , WALK ). "
Excerpts from PERFORMA 40 YEARS OF ART OF ATTITUDE - Alain Amiel Publisher
(*) Art of Mas is for us to step aside with our little shoes, move our eyes, not to take the words literally, but to relieve them, to air them. . . Mas walks the words to make them air. Like the sandwich-men whose business is to travel on foot through the streets carrying two placards containing messages.
In 2008, public authorities in Madrid prohibit the movement of men sandwich in the city because they think this practice undermine the dignity of the person. In his new act, Mas restores its dignity by humanizing him by directing messages determined to not drive or vote buying, but simply by returning to words, we give them to see in their stark reality, exposing them somehow. . .
Walking the word 'BOOK' - Jean MAS - NICE 2009
A actions: SALE
MAS Jean Art Attitude 'BRIDGE TO SELL'
Pont des Arts - 1997 PARIS
" It seems almost impossible to return to the complete works of John Mas, as it has done since the late 60's many performances (...) What is most striking to me is the recurrence the notion of disappearance. We must reread her FOUR LETTERS FOR NOTHING of 1978 who are upset that the concept of reality through its own erasure. It always seems that what we watch is not what we see. This tendency goes to the ruin of the most massive objects, as in the series FOR SALE (1996) where he can put on all sorts of places symbolic signs 'for sale' as found regularly on facades buildings or houses. Except here, each site is chosen by definition unmarketable (a beach, a museum of ancient arenas, a bridge over a river, a railway station, a temple...). Once again, the gesture is absurd, poetic and pathetic. But this time around, it is also impressive with its evocative power, even by his vanity.
Action by Jean Mas may seem trivial to some. Analyze all of his work over 40 years, can understand the meaning and scope over time. Do not miss it to note that John Mas is not an artist of the School of Nice. It is especially good news for the art itself. No flies will tell you otherwise Eric Mangion , Director of the Centre National d'Art Contemporain de la Villa Arson in Nice - Book Excerpts Preface PERFORMA 40 YEARS OF ART OF ATTITUDE - Alain Amiel Publisher
Version 'Apple'
" (...) This work, in their bright freshness of a child, are made with great care, greater accuracy. The emotion raised by them, is dazzling. That, ultimately, like a laser: it is opening, because the rate of repetitions of offset. And alternate between nagging objects and directories of objects creates a written vertigo. As Jakobson spoke of the articulation of sound and meaning, I will weld the object and its name.
Even if John is Mas or psychoanalyst or semiotician or sociologist, it seems to enter the bottom of a structural art belonging to the language. And this membership can not be done by avoiding the use of juxtapositions too simple and the columns of words and images do not give one correspondence between columns: they deliver joint rhythmic arrangement, to paraphrase Deleuze already passed or declined:
-one has the blank column (meaning) which would be the location of possible scores, or other variations of words and things, drifts or derailments, outside the rail horizontal lines : Empty column, column possible.
triple-column Then things: paint cans, hearts, glass, apples: which regular or partition, as in music, is much more complex: from light to dark, the paint more or less high, repeat every other row, or all three, the same prescription? Sometimes, however, alignment simple: the glasses, all alike, not to mention, often, the effect of surprise at the end, the deus ex machina, the bitten apple, last but not least, the open bottle of milk etc..
-column and double words: if the columns of heterogeneous elements materialized by a line, the sub-columns are not, they operate in a more tightened.
Double Column words, both English and French, the same number of letters in the mirror, literally, word for word version, an academic exercise: this alternation with regular cross. The translation is, for me, the most philosophical exercise, it is within the words.
(...) Setting culturally between Benveniste and Barthes, or between Duchamp and the Ecole de Nice is a collection of de-framing-version, here it is. The busting game which we are invited, is also a teaching space, species of spaces, is happening, as said Max Ernst, within sight. Claudine Romeo, Senior Lecturer at the Sorbonne-Extracts-
"Shadow sweats be dissolved and in the uncanny that it can generate "J. Mas
SHADOW of the child in sunflower
Museum Photo Credit Rétif
LINK: Other works by Jean MAS Gallery Joel Guyot VENCE
Art: Game substitute infant
Speech by Jean MAS - Psychoanalytic Seminar - Nice - Directorate Patrick Amoyel - Theme CHILD - 1995
" The artist, by the play of unconscious mental processes, through the interplay of emotions, their transmutation into the combinatorics of representations, is trying to repeat what the child in its play, before reason and the orders do come to impose constraints. Art is a substitute for the infantile game. With puns, wit, or through art, people can recover what was lost by cultural progress: the''good mood'', says Freud.
This euphoria is nothing but the mood of an age, of our childhood when we were incapable of wit and only had to humor to taste the joy of living.
Like any substitute, he repeats the difference in the primary process control by the system preconscious. It is through play that children acquire control of the primary process. The artist, in addition to this control, has the original means of its own (...) Jean Mas -Extracts-Book-40 Years of Art in attitude - Alain AMIEL EDITOR
" La Cage Flies (its MAC) will take it on roads where very open psychoanalytic theory is used as a material to reflect on what that language means. (...)
By linking texts, word games and related actions to words, Jean Mas organized chaos where objects are hysteresis and the public in order to produce a moment of truth. (...) His
relevant questioning, always with humor and derision, codes and values, the meaning of words are intended to blur categories, genres, moving direction. (...) Practicing the absurd, non-creative sense of meaning, still lag, it does not take seriously what should be and vice versa, it is not serious things seriously (...) Alain AMIEL