Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Keristase Keratin Treatment

DISSOLUTION OF THE SCHOOL BY JEAN NICE MAS - December 4, 2010 - MUSEUM RETIF, Vence - Alpes-Maritimes

Nativity School of Nice 2003 - Overview and partial view -
Catherine MAS Photo / Graphics Museum Rétif

Alexandre de la Salle, Curated ' '1960-2010, 50 of the School Nice " you kindly to attend the " Dissolution SCHOOL OF NICE " on December 4, 2010, 10:30 Rétif Museum, 1670 Avenue Rhine and Danube, Route de Grasse, 06140 Vence Tel .- 04 93 58 44 20 Website

PROGRAM : Performas''''Jean MAS:''The School of Nice in smoke''

after reading various statements of artists

The current exhibition, which ends on 12-12-10, may be visited freely 10h-14h


The manger of the School of Nice 2003 Jean MAS

Nativity School of Nice (2003) by Jean Mas
work which was inaugurated January 3, 2004
at the Galerie Jacques Matarasso
PHOTO C . MAS (partial view of the work)

" Manger Paul Barelli titled" crib philosophical when it has been exposed to the Hotel Windsor (2005).

Creche which includes over one hundred and fifty figures calling "world School of Nice", which Raymond Hains, a famous New Realists-founders, who has long crèche Hotel Windsor.

Each year, from its inception, characters were added to the nursery. World
varied and fun as it should be composed of humans, animals and objects, the mode associated polysemous Discount Jean Mas.

Instead of baby Jesus, a white paper which comes from the powder blue. . . Klein's as blue.
In place of the ox and the ass, scattered here and there: the ostrich (including feathers, everyone knows, contributed to the making of multiple fly swatter!)
Psychopompe the chicken or the cat ( for his vision, his curse (?)), eagle (the Nice), the penguins. . .

Present were artists of the Ecole de Nice: Yves Klein, Arman, Cesar, Ben with his panel, Sergius III, Sosno, Chubac, Hains, John Mas, Pinoncelli, Line indeterminate Bernar Venet, and Man Stone Max Cartier, Fahri, Alocco, Miguel Charvolen ...
Freud is present in the crowd, and of course Alexander Hall.
There are also philosophers, scientists, psychoanalysts, art critics: Freud, Sibony, Sloterdijk, Restany Giordan ... "


The The nursery school Nice 2010 Jean MAS - overview:


Manger display in the Museum RETIF
Photo Catherine Mas


Nativity School of Nice 2010 Jean MAS - Freeze details:

and Jean MAS
- Study for 'The manger of the School of Nice '- Photo Catherine Mas

characters, Yves Klein and Freud - SOURCE photo end of the article -

Artists, Characters, ostrich and Charlot

- SOURCE photo end of the article -

Artists, Characters, Jean MAS and bottles of wine Bellet

Festival and Few Bonson - SOURCE photo end of the article -

Artists, Characters, two Kings and Côte d'Azur - SOURCE photo end of the article -



November 27, 1970 MILAN (Rotonda della Besana): dissolution of the New Realism, by Peter RESTANY ◄

► ► ► " Come in, come, ladies and gentlemen in the great circus of Milan. Come see how we pack, burns, lice ¬ beautiful Cree expands, feudartifice, taffy, splashes, defaces. The municipal band leads the parade ... "Thus begins Daniele Giraudy his landmark report on the dissolution of the New Realism, Milan, 27 November 1970, after ten years of existence official. "

► ► ►" After being opened fire from memory to the memory of Yves Klein, who died in 1962, Arman, Christo, Cesar, Niki de Saint Phalle, Rotella, Jean Tinguely , Dufrene, Raysse, Spoerri laid their hands on to make a huge happening (...) "

▼ ▼ ▼

December 4, 2010 in VENCE - ALPES-MARITIMES (Museum Rétif): dissolution of the Ecole de Nice by Jean MAS

► ► ► " This will be an event. And who will echo that of 27 November 1970. It inaugurated with great fanfare that indeed, this 27 November, before 5000, Rotonda della Besana in the exhibition of the 10th anniversary of New Realism which included historical works, suspended in space, movement Europe's largest art since the war. Founded in Paris by the theorist Pierre Restany, 26 October 1960, he grouped around Yves Klein twelve artists signed the manifesto defining the collective singularity at 40 degrees above Dada, who drove them to the urban folklore against the vogue of subjective abstraction. "

► ► ►" School of Nice has lasted too long "is a recurrent phrase in the mouths of quite a few artists of that school, and Alexandre de la Salle, who has the Federated movement in 1967 and has perpetuated over the years, decided to enjoy the end of the exhibition "Fifty Years of School Nice, that Mireille and Philippe Rétif have kindly invited to organize, to accomplish the same kind of symbolic break, spawning whole future. A break and had accomplished Pierre Restany backbone of New Realism, aided by his accomplices in Milan in 1970. "

► ► ►" And yes "The School of Nice" also will burn , squirt, be lacerated, finishing in the trash, through the good offices of John Mas , great director stage of the life and memory of events, leading expert of their implementation feudartificente packed into words by their meaning itself, and with whom he plays like a virtuoso.
For release in May 2010 Performas, 40 Art Attitude "by Alain Amiel Editions Ovadia, Nicole Laffont headline: " John Mas, stirrer of ideas since 40 years. " Mas For John was assisting Ben and Annie carrying an igloo in the mountains in 1969, and if in the exhibition "A propos de Nice" the Centre Pompidou in 1977 he had his rightful place two years later at Ben he indulged in the first attempt to orbit a cage flies. Nicole Laffont also said quite rightly that Jean Mas is a producer of ideas and new detonating performances, and with it the history of ideas is done each day with a touch of madness. This is what will show on December 4. Its little wonder will be destroyed as potlatch ordeal, ritual sacrifice, a gift to history, made after he made after other artists of the Ecole de Nice, one of its "statements" polysemic , colorful and startling irony. Always a treat, a statement by Jean Mas and his "end Ecole de Nice "will, crackling, to join in stardust, those Robert Malaval, another mad poet. " France Delville


Jean MAS
before the portrait of Pierre RESTANY
- Palais de Tokyo 2009 - Catherine Photo MAS

In an exchange of letters in 1993, Restany Pierre Mas Jean addresses as follows: "which you synthesize the spirit of the Ecole de Nice .... "


" It's good that it is History for Nice School today with the question "what is its place? "By cutting off his neck, made into a Queen, she is in that it reigns over the Alpes-Maritimes for many years, and elsewhere, dixit Yves Klein who understood its importance subversive following New Realism that this was a real bomb thrown in the face of Europe. This is not the guillotine but the stake, through the works of Jean Mas, who himself had given his place in a "manger" (it's nice that it started to chum, long before Raymond Hains does installs in his person (a new one that could realistically be in the School of Nice, history had to sleep that day) at the Hotel Windsor, which, incidentally, continued to the accommodation, this hostel English. " France Delville

Note: Photos and excerpts reviews articles France Delville (psychoanalyst, writer, art critic, journalist), which offers a fascinating and brilliant series and well documented '' if the school had told us of Nice? ,''History of the School of Nice.



L I E N 40 ANS DE PERFORMAS : http://isabelledalbe.blogspot.com/2010/11/jean-mas-40-ans-de-performas-conference.html

L I E N site de Jean MAS : http://www.jeanmas.com/actu.html

I. D

What Is Non-reporting Probation Is?

Telethon 2011

Saturday, December 4, the Spiridon Nature Club will offer an output of Lodève ATV.

The appointment is set at 13.30 to the Esplanade Lodève - Village Telethon.

The planned release is approximately 2:00. Participation of 2 € is requested and paid to Lodeve to the Heart for the Telethon.

We expect you there! On Saturday 13.30.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sound Forge Voice Eraser

JEAN MAS "40 years of performance" - Conference 1 December 2010 - ANTIBES

Evénement : Conférence de Jean MAS ,
organized by the Association of Friends of the Museum Picasso of Antibes
Hall Associations, Courses Massena - ANTIBES


A little light on Performas :

" (...) John Mas is a regular galleries, exhibition openings, and conferences for its performance always removed. There multiply operations that challenge attitudes Art and make the onlooker about the School of Nice. Performance is for him "an extension of the plastic expression of the artist." It induces a critical discourse and disconnected from nature to highlight the inevitable uncertainties of the mind. One is struck by its clarity oral whenever she flies. This is the art of rhetoric, is resurrecting the route of a gesture, an artist or a movement. In doing so, it is "exporting" the school, including overseas " André Giordan and Alain Biancheri

" performance because it incurs more physically the artist by his presence, his speech and its uniqueness, is a work in itself, thereby authentic. A performance is a performance by Jean MAS, a signature. The title has my name (...). My performances pose an artistic self-repository that legitimate work of art I like producing and generating interest for the spectator, saying that it is the picture (me) that creates the viewer (...). Being a little off, offset, is handling the subversion that allows us the language, offer the pleasure of getting lost in a thought that places a moment of your life in the place of performance. "J. Mas


some performance :

SPACE J. GILETTA - NICE - 1992 - Performas''Splendor''Nice to celebrate the release of a book on the glories of Nice

"The book forced me to take a step back to show my own splendor. I bought a new suit for the occasion. From earth to heaven, from heaven to the earth and formed the thought and architecture in a difficult balance. The plumb line is related to any construction of the mind or of matter. It is the rule. Lack of plumb, you're on the edge (...). The cage flies (*) presented at the Espace Giletta and registered in the register of records arises as an architecture of thought (...). Somehow, the cage flies is a sculpture of a habitat architecture of the mind. . . " Preview - J. MAS

(*) Exhibition Cage Flies of giant SPACE GILETTA, then La Croisette - Cannes (see sideband BLOG)
Expanding a Cage Flies (H: 32mm - Diameter: 22mm) performed in a cork

The cage flies , reminiscent of a child-specific practice that some students with a cork and hollow pins, manufactured in small cells to lock up the flies caught during class, will switch from Field fun at the art field. The art critic, Jacques Lepage, in 1970, refers to the CAM as an object symbol of personal mythology Jean Mas. The CAM was exposed at the opening of the Centre Beaubourg (1977). " It's nonsense, Art surface. Like humor. Child, I used CAM, 15 years later, I resumed the practice but the flies do not interest me most, my point is the cage (...) . J. Mas

1979: MISSION Performas''''Last ALEXANDRE Earth orbit a CAM from Nice, on the evening of July 8, 1979
Works art signed and numbered blister :''The commemorative edition of Mission Alexander''including a rocket carrying a cage flies, red or blue made by J. Mas (with consumer information - How to use the rocket and caution!) And a photocopy of the letter written by Jean Herve Wurtz Mas.

In the circumstance of the Conference''40 years of performance'' held on 1 December 2010 by the Association of Friends of the Picasso Museum in Antibes. . .

below, out of the shadows and the light loop, a free Association images initiated by Isabelle Dalbe is offered:

To Jean-MAS, friends of Jean-MAS
To Friends of the Picasso Museum in Antibes,
-A Picasso Friends of Picasso
André Villers-A, Aux Amis d'André Villers-Aux Amis
-To Friends from the shadows and Friends

first image ► Shadow and Light, Jean Mas seen by André Villers


In 1953, André Villers met Picasso who gave him his first Rolleiflex camera.
" (...) More than four hundred photographs are produced in this adventure, in which Villers experiments with laboratory techniques from negative overlays, which intermingle with cutouts and recessed. "Signs objects" that the painter borrows from mythology, so cutting hides the photographer submits to the enlarger, photo sensitive and dependent on the interplay of exposure time. Research that is André Villers following Man Ray, as One of the greatest poets in the history of the photographed image ". Carol Shapiro

► Shadow 2nd image of Andre Villers - Work 'Shadows' by Jean MAS

" The shadow sweats and be dissolved in the uncanny that it can generate ". J. Mas

" André Villers (...) I took him''''his shadow, he who had dared to make folding shade. . . His Rolleiflex never leaves him. He carries this black box, part of himself. In his garden, a huge photograph of his watch on the household as Argus the hundred-eyed giant. Its ten feet tall, it dominates us.
Andre said: " summer, I happily enjoy its shade " . I think while their shadows mingle in Villers providing countless eyes that he is playing them together in his goal. Andre appears from the entire surface of his skin, by the full extent of his shading ". Jean MAS - Artwork Shadow Andre Villers' presents in the book'' SHADOWS''Giletta Editions, Nice - 1992 (Shadows of having lent to 22 artists making their shadow)

Technique: Jean Mas photography initially shadows of people or objects and retransposed by painting on a flat surface. The shadows are painted in black and white and reworked from the time of their capture photographic and that of their implementation on the media. The work involves give depth to the shadows and never venture into the shape or silhouette. The shadows are done on wooden panels of a usual format of 1 X 0 m, 60 m . They may consist of cuts, relief, combination of several seizures of the same shade. For
shadows of artists' J. Mas chose to set, to retain in a passage which says a fugitive particularity of the artist.

► 1994 3rd image - Delivery of the Order of the Cage Flies Jean André Mas at Villers - Gallery Alexandre De La Salle

" For your thousand eyes, a thousand people and thousand and one things and more, André Villers, I am pleased to present you the Order of the cage flies " J. MAS

The Odre the Cage Flies has pretensions of being the ridiculous, the trivial and the insignificant features of Cage Flies, a distinction of the body. Tote''almost all'' is an element in search of a cultural criterion. It is also an artistic performance.

This distinction was awarded for the first time December 12, 1980. Other persons and entities identified: JMG Le Clezio, Frederic Altmann (Café du Palais), Michel Butor, Ben Vautier, Radio Nemo ( Librairie Galerie Matarasso), Jacques Matarasso, Jacques Lepage, Giordan From Peppa (Galerie Lola Gassin) Z'Editions, Sosno Lola Gassin (Gassin Gallery Lola), Claude Gilli, Ralph Gatti, Pierre Pinoncelli (Gallery Alexandre De La Salle)

4th image Picasso in light of sunflowers and in light of Villers - Andre Photo Villers -

footprint gelatin silver with cutting
Michael Hoppen Gallery

5th ► Shadow image of sunflowers in the fall of their light - Shade of sunflowers Work of Jean MAS - Photo Gallery Joel Guyot

► sixth image light around the shadow of sunflowers Shade of sunflowers' - Artwork by Jean MAS

seventh image light around the shadow - 'Shadows of John Mas itself' - Artwork by Jean MAS

"It I think it's them, whatever. He is there waiting, stalking, takes freezes. He Part of the artistic landscape, it is all the openings, so now we can not see it. But he sees everything. I wanted her shadow, measured at the mine. One way to respond to flashes that usually elude the shadows blinding me.
The photographer always introduces a break. Strangely it appears in my room by a lack. This is my tribute to the photographer. This lack
betrays emotion photographer / subject. She refers to this situation that makes him better than any other artist of the slave his freedom ". Jean MAS - Artwork in this book SHADOWS''''Giletta Editions, Nice - 1992
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ "I'm going to share the news of my vision. I am the light around the shadow (...), Jean-Mas SYMPOSIUM MOUANS-SARTOUX 1994 - ☼ ☼

TO GO OFF ON JOHN MAS : See my article''Dissolution of the School of Nice by Jean MAS - December 4, 2010 at 10:30 am - Museum Rétif - VENCE - FRANCE-Alpes-Maritimes)
I. Dalbe

Saturday, November 20, 2010

How Much To Dentists Make

THE JOURNAL Bathyscaphe No. 6 - one to run EDITIONS & THE GOOSE CRAVAN

cover 'Sea Serpent'
Paper Cutting Michel HELLMAN

LINK: http://lebathyscaphe.blogspot.com/
subscription 25 euros or the 4 numbers Subscription Support
the bathyscaphe 5545 Rue Saint-Dominique, Montreal, Quebec, H2T IV5, CANADA

Publication No. 6 of the beautiful and elegant review the bathyscaphe, which can be regarded as a cultural journal. "But culture is not for us the times imposed: it is to be present in the world from what we are whole, by our reading, our excesses, our likes and dislikes (. ..) " says the editor.

Contents of this magazine, published in the fall of 2010, always exciting high quality articles (poetry, writing, music, reviews). Some French, some in English:


Aphorisms by Patrick-Guy and Pierre DESJARDINS PEUCHMAURD


Drawing Maïcke CASTEGNIER

- 'The Last Hero', Joel GAYRAUD : beautiful and disturbing story of the happiness of the author to go Greek Island of Astypalée " butterfly stitched on the blue maps (...), a vestige of a pagan sort of Eden " and path of his thinking going to meet an essential function of myths " which is to banish from consciousness which is too overwhelming for her, dépotentialiser to anxiety in the hope of making unreal the threat of death ".
The narrator engages in an exploration of the land numb and its matter content: " (...) I went naked in the sea back to shore, I saw the cut on a rock cliff above a dozen yards sketching the form of an elongated face topped by a headdress. Sculpture in natural evidence (...) It affected very much a human form (...). It pleased me to believe that I saw before me the image of petrified Cleomedes, the last hero Greece.
Indeed, Astypalée is not only famous in mythology as a tavern open for use by the gods and was also the scene of an event that is one of the testimonials rarer and more valuable the fragile juncture of mythical and historical ".
And Joel Gayraud, with the thread of a journey taking us in unexpected breath, makes us return to the Olympic Games of 492 BCE when a boxer originally from Astypalée, Cleomedes march against all odds, toward his destiny (Last) hero.

- 'The Adventures of the subject, (2), Jean-Yves Bériou : a research scholar as poetic as the relationship between Cravan Goose and the Old Irish society, and who can follow Goose track this Cravan who gave his name to the publishing house associated with the Montreal Bathyscaphe. In no Bériou JY, we'll happily with a pen to another pen pleasing pleasing. Reproduced on all publications Editions 'The Goose Cravan' : citing Louis Scutenaire " geese Cravan born rotten masts of ships lost in the Gulf of Mexico " provides a starting JY Bériou note that" (...) of Goose Cravan here lost its 't' in allusion to the final disappearance the poet and boxer Arthur Craven in these waters warm. But Mexico is far enough from Ireland and its seas . A great informative tour through the words, which are implemented engineering metamorphoses, analogical thinking, going back and forth between words and things shifted, we did uncover " bird that is a crustacean resembling externally with a snail is a mollusk that has a leg ended in a nail (the barnacles) . Is clearly stated and demonstrated, " report magnetization sensitive and reciprocal rights and the world, and language, the fulcrum of this operation "

- 'reduced by one point, Daniel CANTY : 6th episode of a soap aqualittéraire, where the author acknowledges, without knowing one another, and begins an adventure in Nova Scotia

- 'A list of things to do', Hannah Reinier Excerpts: "Remove time completed; Drizzle the rainbow sky Open obliteration "

- 'An arrow: Dorothy, Helen FREDERICK Tale of an invitation from a new friend in " the hope to create a magical and improbable link (...) "

Collage Sarah Jade Bernier


- 'He knows nothing' Text Benedict CHAPUT : which refers, inter alia, the Port Larranaga, Enigma of Arrival and the afternoon panel Chirico, The bookstore Plateau disk 'To finish the job, Robert Lebel, John Cowper Powys

- 'No fanfare' Text and photography Antoine PEUCHMAURD which refers, inter alia, dispersing and raving, magazine Capernaum, François Truffaut and Bernard Marc, walks and energy léaudlienne, Labrador and a military base

- 'But no, there is reason to believe - or some thoughts on the mana books', Peter Röthlisberger " (...) Magic, the book is in the sense that there is an energy vector that is not her own, a mana resides in him and what he communicates to his reader, in addition to its explicit message, belongs to the universe of witches. . . "


- a freighter in April ', Berangere Cournut : the thrilling maritime adventure by the author on board, from 17 to 22 April 2010, aboard the MUSCA (British flag), an enormous cargo carrying containers between Le Havre and Malta. Logbook kept by B. Cournut during these six days.

- 'Pink and Black', Hermine ORTEGA: where we learn that "there are days where it would be better not pass by a bookstore before crossing the border "


- 'While supplies', Simon Pierre BEAUDET : environmental data and its impact on natural resources

- 'Democracy in America, among us,' Benedict CHAPUT : One case among many others: the former convent Mont-Jésus-Marie . Convents Candos ghosts? Choose poetically.


- 'On board the bathyscaphe' Thierry Horguelin leads the game by jamming tracks

- 'cryptic crosswords in English', Thierry Horguelin : - cryptic crosswords for the seasoned-explanation of definition of crosswords in the American tradition, French and English.


'cassettes in my car (2)' by Benedict CHAPUT
- I Cassette: Dr. John (Mac Rebennack nickname), pianist New Orleans
- Cassette II: Brian Peter George St John the Baptist de la Salle Eno, musician, sound designer
- III Cassette: Compilation gift, this famous mixtape.


- 'Fedora's Restaurant' , Romy ASHBY
- 'Customers and patients' , Valerie Weber
-' The Underground City 2, or Multilevel Mania ', AJ KINIK

- ' Some place else ', Sarah GILBERT
- ' He does not get it - Richard Huet - '- (MUSIC), Benedict CHAPUT

COLLABORATION WITH IMAGES (drawings, collages, photos): Romy ASHBY, Sarah Jade Bernier , Maïcke CASTEGNIER, Genevieve Castrée , Jacques DESBIENS Julie DOUCET, Alexandre FATT Sarah GILBERT, Michel HELLMAN, Jose Guadalupe Posada , Barthelemy SCHWARTZ

and typography of unusual MR Moulino in PAPER TO Bathyscaphe - (movable type: a proposal typographical humorous)

Rosette exclamation - Mr. Moulino

I. Dalbe

Friday, November 19, 2010

Denise Milani Gelistet Denise Milani Frage?

Output Output Trail Trail

Sunday, November 21, the output that is offered is a loop from the Pégairolles Escalette.
A recce of part of our next edition of the trail. Provide an output of about 3:00.

The appointment is fixed 8am to Luteva for carpooling if at Pégairolles appointment at 8:15.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Funny Charade Phrases

PUBLICATIONS - COLLECTION OF umbo - December 2010 - Lawrence ALBARRACIN - Louis-Francois Laurent Delisse

In the fine collection of the umbo where big names are published poetry, the poems are always beautiful and demanding accompanied by beautiful pictures or illustrations of Jean-Pierre Paraggio, all dialogues in many sequences awakening each time to explore a different location.

In December 2010, two new releases:

Lawrence ALBARRACIN 'THE FLOOD AMBIGUOUS' with images of Jean-Pierre Paraggio
14 euros including postage

Picture of Jean-Pierre Paraggio



Louis-François Delisse 'FUNERAL MIX'
8 euros including postage





with images of Jean-Pierre Paraggio
14 euros including postage

Picture of Jean-Pierre Paraggio

http://isabelledalbe.blogspot.com/search/label/Jo% C3% ABl% 20Gayraud

Titles still available in the umbo COLLECTION:
► Jean-Yves Bériou 'The Little Pebble's death in the boot of the master nothing ', poems - 2006 - 4 euros
Pierre Peuchmaurd ' Fragments of deer 'poem illustrated by Jean-Pierre Paraggio - 2007 - 15 euros
Anne-Marie Beeckman,' I am African 'poem on images of Jean-Pierre Paraggio - 2008 - 13 euros
Pierre Peuchmaurd ' Nature at her 'poems with images of Jean-Pierre Paraggio - 2008 - 15 euros
Alexander Pierrepont 'Moon Moon' poem, images of the desert - 2009 - 12 euros

Any order publications - COLLECTION OF umbo payable to Jean-Pierre Paraggio 33 Avenue Jules Ferry 74100 Annemasse

LINK : The site

I. Dalbe

Monday, November 8, 2010

Prosumer Camcorder 2010

output is organized trail Thursday, November 11

the appointment is set at Luteva (Cinema Lodeve) at 8:00 for a carpool. Otherwise
appointment to the Pégairolles Escalette at 8:15.

The planned release is part of the trail in 2011 that connects to Pégairolles Lauroux, starting around 2:30.

Marriage In Tamil Kavithai

ALBARRACIN - Two unpublished poems

Rene Magritte - Treasure Island


ago crumbs

and willingness of birds

to sew as bread

See how they throw themselves

any thought into poverty

Day is a adjournment

in the sky dress



It seemed that the sea was dug invisibly

stirred fresh from eternity

it was scorched in his bright

contested chisel removed piecewise

what it responded by showering them with fresh water

L. Albarracin


" Lawrence Albarracin has never finished with the thing things: the thickness of their thickness, with evidence of their Clearly, the immanence of their movement. It revolves around it, it provokes and he bites, he walks by holding short loin, until, after a quick lap, he would resume in other species and little time. Two key figures in her game seemingly incompatible: the metaphor that deports such a thing to something else and the tautology that loop the thing itself single, double or even triple turn (...) " Peter Campion

" (...) Laurent Albarracin reminds me of Magritte. Maybe is there in both the same provocation unsealed eyes. . . Lucien Wasselin

" Lawrence Albarracin's poetry reveals, step by step, things attached to the thing. Like the poetry of Roberto Juarroz, passage by passage and again, it spreads its long openings by exhausting the contents of the thing or concept. She finds there to fill above. She is the poetry of revelation, this high noise of light.
Beauty, came straight clear evidence, multiplies and turns happy in the poems of L. Albarracin. "Isabelle Dalbe

-publications of his books (see cover band side of the blog)
nuclear Gardens, The Air water, Brive, 1998. Fire burns
, Workshop of the Lamb, St. Quentin Caplong, 2004.
Resolutions , Myrddin, Brive, 2004.
Twenty-seven sonnets , Ikko, Paris, 2005. The secret secret
, drawings by Henri-Georges Morin, Publishing addition, St. Clement 2006. From image
, The Hold, Glasgow, 2007.
Pierre Peuchmaurd, witness elegant, geese Craven, Montreal, 2007.
Cards on Water, Sky Mock, Saint-Ouen, 2008.
The Garden Workers (anthology), Flammarion, Paris, 2008.
Glass of water and other poems Corridor, blue, Amiens, 2008.
Louis-François Delisse Collection Presence of Poetry, Publishing of Lapwings 2009
Explanation of light , Last Telegram, Limoges, 2010
-His contributions regular on numerous poetry magazines which Les Cahiers de L'Umbo, L'Impromptu, Gold to the 13 islands.
- His column on poetry the website of Peter Campion.: http://pierre.campion2.free.fr/albarracin_chronique.htm

-His poetry collection by Editions 'The Dial lined'
L NEI its site http://www.netvibes.com/albarracin # Ce_que_je_fais_parfois


-Its contribution to MAGAZINE IMPROMPTU No. 1 - The Bulletin Umbo - 5 euros including postage - 15 euro support

BOOK: Lawrence Albarracin 'The Flood ambiguous' - Collection of the Umbo
images Jean-Pierre Paraggio

14 euros including postage
Any Order made payable to John Peter Paraggio
33 avenue Jules Ferry, 74100 Annemasse
I. Dalbe

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Pregnancy Discharge Vs Ovulation Discharge

collection of poetry, The Dial line '- 5th round - JG Cosculluela - Weinzaepflen G. - J. Bee - C. Margat - I. Ch'Vavar

Ruled The Dial: a collection of books "in one poem" hundred and fifty copies printed on laid paper - Fifth series (October 2010)

€ 3 structure - 15 € series carriage - check payable to The Dial lined
CONTACT: DIAL LINE The Mayne 19700 Saint-Clément

laurent (dot) albarracin (at) gmail (dot) com

Cover photo of one of five books
the 5th series of poetry collection, The Dial lined '
photos for other books in this series are present
in the sideband of this BLOG


Five authors - title and abstract of the poem - for link discover a little more. . .

Jean Gabriel COSCULLUELA :

" (...) Go, fall, stream. To make a hole in the white in the dark. . . "


Gilles Weinzaepflen

" (...) up there music is like a blind
moat of silence"


Jacques BEES:

" Yes, sir, j'expectore.
Perfectly. (...) "


Claude Margat :

"To go from side pathless
I know the way (...) "



" the Ladybug
it raises its wings as the farmer's

buckets - but flies "

FURTHER : enter the name on your browser ''''Ivar Ch'Vavar then the page that appears: Click the site Wikipedia


REMINDER: In the same series are books still available from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd round, 4th round: 3 euros


(1) Lawrence Albarracin - Each
horizon (2) Pierre Peuchmaurd - The Paper
(3) Anne-Marie Beeckman - The Memory of Water
(4) Christian Viguié - Birds Of
(5) Louis-François Delisse - In the air above the
Ghana (6) Werner Lambersy - Caridade
(7) Franck Andre Jamme -
Shield (8) Olivier Hervy - Red Carpet
(9) Eric Chevillard - The truth about executive pay
(10) Roger Munier - Eternity
(11) Antonio Porchia - Four
voice (12) Jean-Paul Michel - "The torpid toils and sweatshops ... "
(13) Christophe Van Rossom - Small treaty atheology
(14) Jean-Yves Bériou - The empire of superstition
(15) Fabrice Caravaca - The Octopus
(16) Joel Gayraud - Order
(17) Jean-Louis Rambour - Angels naked
(18) Virgil Novarina - Writes night
No. 4612 (19) Eric Benveniste - unpublished papers found in the niche Brount
(20) Stephane Maignan - Night talisman

TITLE and extract their poem - LINK to discover a little more. . .

Princess Polly Pocket Games

The trailers at the Festival of the Hospital School MTB

The Lodève were present Saturday, October 30 at Nant (12) to participate the Trail Dourbie Larzac. A trail of 27 km (actually 30) and 1400D +. News
performance Rapha and Francis took a place of honor by finishing 4 and 5 in the scratch and 3 and 4 in their class, in less than 3 hours.
Then there was the arrival of Mark (4:05) followed closely by Chris (4:06) and Didier (4:09) and Yann (4:10). Congratulations to all!
But the surprise was to see several Lodève (Youssef, Guillaume, Herve, Alexandre and Sylvia) who realized also performed well, and it is hoped they will join the club soon.

The next appointment is set for some to Africa for a Saint Duathlon: Trail - ATV on November 13.

Play Pokemon Silver Emulator 2010


School MTB was given appointment on the Larzac to Couvertoirade to participate in an Orienteering given by Sylvio.
Despite unpredictable weather, the meeting was enjoyable for all children and playful.
An initiative to renew. Thank you to the parents present for management support.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Walkie Talkies Protocol

Article in DNA of November 3, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mandingoand Black Woman

Diary of France 3 Alsace 2/11/10

workshops Bulletin No. 4 (Nov. 2)


workshops Bulletin No. 3 (28 Oct)