Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Keristase Keratin Treatment

DISSOLUTION OF THE SCHOOL BY JEAN NICE MAS - December 4, 2010 - MUSEUM RETIF, Vence - Alpes-Maritimes

Nativity School of Nice 2003 - Overview and partial view -
Catherine MAS Photo / Graphics Museum Rétif

Alexandre de la Salle, Curated ' '1960-2010, 50 of the School Nice " you kindly to attend the " Dissolution SCHOOL OF NICE " on December 4, 2010, 10:30 Rétif Museum, 1670 Avenue Rhine and Danube, Route de Grasse, 06140 Vence Tel .- 04 93 58 44 20 Website

PROGRAM : Performas''''Jean MAS:''The School of Nice in smoke''

after reading various statements of artists

The current exhibition, which ends on 12-12-10, may be visited freely 10h-14h


The manger of the School of Nice 2003 Jean MAS

Nativity School of Nice (2003) by Jean Mas
work which was inaugurated January 3, 2004
at the Galerie Jacques Matarasso
PHOTO C . MAS (partial view of the work)

" Manger Paul Barelli titled" crib philosophical when it has been exposed to the Hotel Windsor (2005).

Creche which includes over one hundred and fifty figures calling "world School of Nice", which Raymond Hains, a famous New Realists-founders, who has long crèche Hotel Windsor.

Each year, from its inception, characters were added to the nursery. World
varied and fun as it should be composed of humans, animals and objects, the mode associated polysemous Discount Jean Mas.

Instead of baby Jesus, a white paper which comes from the powder blue. . . Klein's as blue.
In place of the ox and the ass, scattered here and there: the ostrich (including feathers, everyone knows, contributed to the making of multiple fly swatter!)
Psychopompe the chicken or the cat ( for his vision, his curse (?)), eagle (the Nice), the penguins. . .

Present were artists of the Ecole de Nice: Yves Klein, Arman, Cesar, Ben with his panel, Sergius III, Sosno, Chubac, Hains, John Mas, Pinoncelli, Line indeterminate Bernar Venet, and Man Stone Max Cartier, Fahri, Alocco, Miguel Charvolen ...
Freud is present in the crowd, and of course Alexander Hall.
There are also philosophers, scientists, psychoanalysts, art critics: Freud, Sibony, Sloterdijk, Restany Giordan ... "


The The nursery school Nice 2010 Jean MAS - overview:


Manger display in the Museum RETIF
Photo Catherine Mas


Nativity School of Nice 2010 Jean MAS - Freeze details:

and Jean MAS
- Study for 'The manger of the School of Nice '- Photo Catherine Mas

characters, Yves Klein and Freud - SOURCE photo end of the article -

Artists, Characters, ostrich and Charlot

- SOURCE photo end of the article -

Artists, Characters, Jean MAS and bottles of wine Bellet

Festival and Few Bonson - SOURCE photo end of the article -

Artists, Characters, two Kings and Côte d'Azur - SOURCE photo end of the article -



November 27, 1970 MILAN (Rotonda della Besana): dissolution of the New Realism, by Peter RESTANY ◄

► ► ► " Come in, come, ladies and gentlemen in the great circus of Milan. Come see how we pack, burns, lice ¬ beautiful Cree expands, feudartifice, taffy, splashes, defaces. The municipal band leads the parade ... "Thus begins Daniele Giraudy his landmark report on the dissolution of the New Realism, Milan, 27 November 1970, after ten years of existence official. "

► ► ►" After being opened fire from memory to the memory of Yves Klein, who died in 1962, Arman, Christo, Cesar, Niki de Saint Phalle, Rotella, Jean Tinguely , Dufrene, Raysse, Spoerri laid their hands on to make a huge happening (...) "

▼ ▼ ▼

December 4, 2010 in VENCE - ALPES-MARITIMES (Museum Rétif): dissolution of the Ecole de Nice by Jean MAS

► ► ► " This will be an event. And who will echo that of 27 November 1970. It inaugurated with great fanfare that indeed, this 27 November, before 5000, Rotonda della Besana in the exhibition of the 10th anniversary of New Realism which included historical works, suspended in space, movement Europe's largest art since the war. Founded in Paris by the theorist Pierre Restany, 26 October 1960, he grouped around Yves Klein twelve artists signed the manifesto defining the collective singularity at 40 degrees above Dada, who drove them to the urban folklore against the vogue of subjective abstraction. "

► ► ►" School of Nice has lasted too long "is a recurrent phrase in the mouths of quite a few artists of that school, and Alexandre de la Salle, who has the Federated movement in 1967 and has perpetuated over the years, decided to enjoy the end of the exhibition "Fifty Years of School Nice, that Mireille and Philippe Rétif have kindly invited to organize, to accomplish the same kind of symbolic break, spawning whole future. A break and had accomplished Pierre Restany backbone of New Realism, aided by his accomplices in Milan in 1970. "

► ► ►" And yes "The School of Nice" also will burn , squirt, be lacerated, finishing in the trash, through the good offices of John Mas , great director stage of the life and memory of events, leading expert of their implementation feudartificente packed into words by their meaning itself, and with whom he plays like a virtuoso.
For release in May 2010 Performas, 40 Art Attitude "by Alain Amiel Editions Ovadia, Nicole Laffont headline: " John Mas, stirrer of ideas since 40 years. " Mas For John was assisting Ben and Annie carrying an igloo in the mountains in 1969, and if in the exhibition "A propos de Nice" the Centre Pompidou in 1977 he had his rightful place two years later at Ben he indulged in the first attempt to orbit a cage flies. Nicole Laffont also said quite rightly that Jean Mas is a producer of ideas and new detonating performances, and with it the history of ideas is done each day with a touch of madness. This is what will show on December 4. Its little wonder will be destroyed as potlatch ordeal, ritual sacrifice, a gift to history, made after he made after other artists of the Ecole de Nice, one of its "statements" polysemic , colorful and startling irony. Always a treat, a statement by Jean Mas and his "end Ecole de Nice "will, crackling, to join in stardust, those Robert Malaval, another mad poet. " France Delville


Jean MAS
before the portrait of Pierre RESTANY
- Palais de Tokyo 2009 - Catherine Photo MAS

In an exchange of letters in 1993, Restany Pierre Mas Jean addresses as follows: "which you synthesize the spirit of the Ecole de Nice .... "


" It's good that it is History for Nice School today with the question "what is its place? "By cutting off his neck, made into a Queen, she is in that it reigns over the Alpes-Maritimes for many years, and elsewhere, dixit Yves Klein who understood its importance subversive following New Realism that this was a real bomb thrown in the face of Europe. This is not the guillotine but the stake, through the works of Jean Mas, who himself had given his place in a "manger" (it's nice that it started to chum, long before Raymond Hains does installs in his person (a new one that could realistically be in the School of Nice, history had to sleep that day) at the Hotel Windsor, which, incidentally, continued to the accommodation, this hostel English. " France Delville

Note: Photos and excerpts reviews articles France Delville (psychoanalyst, writer, art critic, journalist), which offers a fascinating and brilliant series and well documented '' if the school had told us of Nice? ,''History of the School of Nice.



L I E N 40 ANS DE PERFORMAS : http://isabelledalbe.blogspot.com/2010/11/jean-mas-40-ans-de-performas-conference.html

L I E N site de Jean MAS : http://www.jeanmas.com/actu.html

I. D


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