Saturday, November 20, 2010

How Much To Dentists Make

THE JOURNAL Bathyscaphe No. 6 - one to run EDITIONS & THE GOOSE CRAVAN

cover 'Sea Serpent'
Paper Cutting Michel HELLMAN

subscription 25 euros or the 4 numbers Subscription Support
the bathyscaphe 5545 Rue Saint-Dominique, Montreal, Quebec, H2T IV5, CANADA

Publication No. 6 of the beautiful and elegant review the bathyscaphe, which can be regarded as a cultural journal. "But culture is not for us the times imposed: it is to be present in the world from what we are whole, by our reading, our excesses, our likes and dislikes (. ..) " says the editor.

Contents of this magazine, published in the fall of 2010, always exciting high quality articles (poetry, writing, music, reviews). Some French, some in English:


Aphorisms by Patrick-Guy and Pierre DESJARDINS PEUCHMAURD


Drawing Maïcke CASTEGNIER

- 'The Last Hero', Joel GAYRAUD : beautiful and disturbing story of the happiness of the author to go Greek Island of Astypalée " butterfly stitched on the blue maps (...), a vestige of a pagan sort of Eden " and path of his thinking going to meet an essential function of myths " which is to banish from consciousness which is too overwhelming for her, dépotentialiser to anxiety in the hope of making unreal the threat of death ".
The narrator engages in an exploration of the land numb and its matter content: " (...) I went naked in the sea back to shore, I saw the cut on a rock cliff above a dozen yards sketching the form of an elongated face topped by a headdress. Sculpture in natural evidence (...) It affected very much a human form (...). It pleased me to believe that I saw before me the image of petrified Cleomedes, the last hero Greece.
Indeed, Astypalée is not only famous in mythology as a tavern open for use by the gods and was also the scene of an event that is one of the testimonials rarer and more valuable the fragile juncture of mythical and historical ".
And Joel Gayraud, with the thread of a journey taking us in unexpected breath, makes us return to the Olympic Games of 492 BCE when a boxer originally from Astypalée, Cleomedes march against all odds, toward his destiny (Last) hero.

- 'The Adventures of the subject, (2), Jean-Yves Bériou : a research scholar as poetic as the relationship between Cravan Goose and the Old Irish society, and who can follow Goose track this Cravan who gave his name to the publishing house associated with the Montreal Bathyscaphe. In no Bériou JY, we'll happily with a pen to another pen pleasing pleasing. Reproduced on all publications Editions 'The Goose Cravan' : citing Louis Scutenaire " geese Cravan born rotten masts of ships lost in the Gulf of Mexico " provides a starting JY Bériou note that" (...) of Goose Cravan here lost its 't' in allusion to the final disappearance the poet and boxer Arthur Craven in these waters warm. But Mexico is far enough from Ireland and its seas . A great informative tour through the words, which are implemented engineering metamorphoses, analogical thinking, going back and forth between words and things shifted, we did uncover " bird that is a crustacean resembling externally with a snail is a mollusk that has a leg ended in a nail (the barnacles) . Is clearly stated and demonstrated, " report magnetization sensitive and reciprocal rights and the world, and language, the fulcrum of this operation "

- 'reduced by one point, Daniel CANTY : 6th episode of a soap aqualittéraire, where the author acknowledges, without knowing one another, and begins an adventure in Nova Scotia

- 'A list of things to do', Hannah Reinier Excerpts: "Remove time completed; Drizzle the rainbow sky Open obliteration "

- 'An arrow: Dorothy, Helen FREDERICK Tale of an invitation from a new friend in " the hope to create a magical and improbable link (...) "

Collage Sarah Jade Bernier


- 'He knows nothing' Text Benedict CHAPUT : which refers, inter alia, the Port Larranaga, Enigma of Arrival and the afternoon panel Chirico, The bookstore Plateau disk 'To finish the job, Robert Lebel, John Cowper Powys

- 'No fanfare' Text and photography Antoine PEUCHMAURD which refers, inter alia, dispersing and raving, magazine Capernaum, François Truffaut and Bernard Marc, walks and energy léaudlienne, Labrador and a military base

- 'But no, there is reason to believe - or some thoughts on the mana books', Peter Röthlisberger " (...) Magic, the book is in the sense that there is an energy vector that is not her own, a mana resides in him and what he communicates to his reader, in addition to its explicit message, belongs to the universe of witches. . . "


- a freighter in April ', Berangere Cournut : the thrilling maritime adventure by the author on board, from 17 to 22 April 2010, aboard the MUSCA (British flag), an enormous cargo carrying containers between Le Havre and Malta. Logbook kept by B. Cournut during these six days.

- 'Pink and Black', Hermine ORTEGA: where we learn that "there are days where it would be better not pass by a bookstore before crossing the border "


- 'While supplies', Simon Pierre BEAUDET : environmental data and its impact on natural resources

- 'Democracy in America, among us,' Benedict CHAPUT : One case among many others: the former convent Mont-Jésus-Marie . Convents Candos ghosts? Choose poetically.


- 'On board the bathyscaphe' Thierry Horguelin leads the game by jamming tracks

- 'cryptic crosswords in English', Thierry Horguelin : - cryptic crosswords for the seasoned-explanation of definition of crosswords in the American tradition, French and English.


'cassettes in my car (2)' by Benedict CHAPUT
- I Cassette: Dr. John (Mac Rebennack nickname), pianist New Orleans
- Cassette II: Brian Peter George St John the Baptist de la Salle Eno, musician, sound designer
- III Cassette: Compilation gift, this famous mixtape.


- 'Fedora's Restaurant' , Romy ASHBY
- 'Customers and patients' , Valerie Weber
-' The Underground City 2, or Multilevel Mania ', AJ KINIK

- ' Some place else ', Sarah GILBERT
- ' He does not get it - Richard Huet - '- (MUSIC), Benedict CHAPUT

COLLABORATION WITH IMAGES (drawings, collages, photos): Romy ASHBY, Sarah Jade Bernier , Maïcke CASTEGNIER, Genevieve Castrée , Jacques DESBIENS Julie DOUCET, Alexandre FATT Sarah GILBERT, Michel HELLMAN, Jose Guadalupe Posada , Barthelemy SCHWARTZ

and typography of unusual MR Moulino in PAPER TO Bathyscaphe - (movable type: a proposal typographical humorous)

Rosette exclamation - Mr. Moulino

I. Dalbe


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