Sunday, October 31, 2010

How To Get The Rainbow Puffle In Club Penguin

Glade dream - Joel GAYRAUD Collection of the umbo

Glade dream - Joel GAYRAUD
Collection of the umbo

Pictures Jean-Pierre Paraggio


Poet Joel Gayraud provides a fascinating journey into the enchanting time of the golden age, the time of the Iron Age ended , "where truth and illusion stopped opt out. " Where "The doors of the past and the future" and " three directions of space" spend several tables in our sundial.

It draws our "eyebrows défroncés" our "loose lips" and moves us, circled (s) of emotions in the sky of those fabulous in these times, watched in ether. Those enigmatic without pit and no corpse. Those high in the myths.
Kingdom at the weld of the sacred fire, while the world is warming up, it is say "two sphinxes placed face to face with claws claws breasts breasts" and:

The Saturn, one of the oldest gods
The Janus bifront
The terrible Hecate
the Great Pan grin radiating desire
The elusive Proteus
The indomitable giant with twelve events
Cacus the inept robber herds
Victory singing the advent of dark matter
Pegasus on his hooves prepared
The Chimera

And here we are ourselves:

"In the grotto and the fountain nymphs
issuing black Worry

" Everything was born from Venus
yesterday in the conch-winged griffin "

In missed Adam and Eve, we meet in words - of burning rich sounds:
Neptune hitting the ground with his trident
(...) in the grove of myrtle black
Ariadne abandoned singing in mid dead
Ceres Dionysus canephora
The dragon protector of the Golden Fleece
Echidna and Fury
The tremendous Orcus at the entrance to Hades

To invite us to enter boldly into the cave that we put the poet Gayraud "kantharos hand" sends "the head of Medusa sider Cerberus " which we let go unhindered " join Proserpine ".
"On its surface
acorns and pine nuts
proclaim the universal enjoyment
and the bear holding a rose
admits the power of the mind united with the flesh"


So. It remains for us to celebrate the wonder of gold volume of this poem: "The final season of The Ultimate Travel transmutation" . A gold lighthouse, completed a beautiful story of moults voluptuous thrill.

And we dream up into the transparent clarity of images refined Jean-Pierre Paraggio.

I. Dalbe

'CLAIRIERE THE DREAM' Joel GAYRAUD - Collection of the Umbo
- with illustrations by Jean-Pierre Paraggio - 14 EUROS INCLUDING SHIPPING -

CONTACT: Jean Peter Paraggio 33, Avenue Jules Ferry 74100 ANNEMASSE
Site Links JEAN-PIERRE Paraggio:


Joel Gayraud is published by Editions Jose Corti . His book Order ' appeared in the Collection' The Dial line '. He contributes regularly to journals: 'The Bathyscaphe ', 'Les Cahiers de L' Umbo '; ' Gold the thirteen islands'; ' Nomads'; ' corners' ; ' Footprints'.

I. Dalbe

Monday, October 25, 2010

Cool Female Piercings

MAGAZINE IMPROMPTU (launch) and complement ERRATA BOOKS OF umbo No. 12

Cover Book ERRATA

Ink and watercolor Bruno Montpied

ERRATA is a supplement of the umbo PAPERS No. 12 with, in his summary poems and texts:

-''The MOROCOSMIE or folly, vanity and inconstancy of the World'' CHESNE Joseph's (1544-1609) poet physician and chemist Paracelsus and Calvinist, adviser and friend of Henry IV, Du Bartas.

- ''NOTICE'' of Olivier HERVY
"Every day, the beggar in front of the bakery is entitled to their pain au chocolat and his wand, yet this does not give him the idea to sit rather near the jewelry. "

- jubilant''to break, writing off'' Alain Le Saux

" on his long lanky legs strong, he has the eyes of Wed suspected of gray-green. "


" I saw the time pass in your eyes (.. .) "

LINK: To access the summary of the umbo PAPERS No. 12 (cover design by Emmanuel BOUSSUGE) - see the review in PHOTO BLOG sideband

LINK: To access the poem dedicated to Peter Alice Massénat Peuchmaurd, published in Cahiers de l'umbo No. 12


ERRATA supplement, combined with the umbo PAPERS N ° 12, marks the end of issue of the Cahiers.

Les Editions de l'umbo announce the release of a new bulletin ''''The IMPROMPTU launched with the number zero.

In a very nice word
"The IMPROMPTU is a noise that dissipates. "

This bulletin-review, led by Jean-Pierre Paraggio remains in the vein of the Journal of the umbo, a very clean design, and, over the titles, had sometimes unknown authors such as Joseph du Chesne (Protestant poetry in form: the octave / octonaire enjoyed a fad in the intellectual milieu in Geneva at the end of the sixteenth century), but most of the current names of remarkable poetry: Peter Peuchmaurd Louis-François Delisse Guy Cabanel, Antonio Gamoneda, Jean-Yves Bériou Laurent Albarracin, Georges-Henri Morin Joel Gayraud, Alice Massénat, Marbrun Anne, Anne-Marie Beeckman and many others. Already, the Zero No account the presence of some of these poets. Also maintained the happy contribution illustrators (paints, inks, drawings, collage, graphite, photos).

4th cover:
text wonderfully pleasant


(after the text is discovered in the No. 0)

Contents of this number zero:


COLLAGE-Philippe Lemaire

-DRAWING 'The portrait of Neil' Emmanuel BOUSSUGE

-manipulated photo 'The Tribe of the Omo (Ethiopia) by Hans SYLVESTER




- 'To breathe. . . ' 2008 from Poem PEUCHMAURD Pierre-Preview' The Drunk dead ivy, Peter Publisher Mainard


- IT IS A TIME ' Extracts - Editions tangle - 2009 Alain Le Saux
"It is time to spell the viper on its noon stone "

- 'DEATH AND LIVE' Poem 2009 Louis-François Delisse

- 'ON THE VENOM CHERVIL' - ditty - Jean-Yves BERIOU - Preview of 'The 'Bring THINGS' Edit Escampette - 2010

-ARTICLE Laurent ALBARRACIN commenting with exacting precision and finesse Supreme Paper, above, Jean-Yves Bériou:

"With Jean-Yves Bériou, and as the title suggests this marvelously chosen collection, it is immediately before a melancholic anger, a fury warrior who is also tired, desperate. It is immediately in the observation (disillusioned but not cold) that things left to themselves engage in their share of violence, destruction (...).
ago in Jean-Yves Bériou, together with an anger, a great attraction for transparency to the flow of things. Do not try to retain the way of the world is with him at best and keep it closer to its evidence, even though it is violent, blind, iterative, it is superimposed the world as purer world, barbaric and Royal, a world plagued by his demons - but to its external demons, so to say
''Besides, death crosses the course of water, like a bear-crazed, honey burning desire in the face, on the vulva flower in tears. I guess the bear, desire, honey, vulva, flower, tears, black, I guess even the eye and smell, but I can not imagine death''(p. 17)
Amazing bear's death is a c bear panting, terrified at the point of losing his first consonant, presumably to better incarnate. Indeed, it is not death that can imagine (not exist) or even his race around the world, still too abstract, but only "the bear-crazed" death with all its sexual attributes and devouring. Stunning image that stems from the acceleration of poetry, where the sliding hyperbolic (the passage from death to his race) and enucleation of a letter (Running ourse) operate what can only be called a vision. They are not so many poets today can certainly visions and Jean-Yves Bériou is one. Visions for deployment to images both grand and extremely thin, which will for example see (...)'' acid head of a bird ''(p. 63) (.. .) " - Excerpts from the article THE

Lawrence Albarracin is excellent chronicle of poetry at:

remarkable poet, some of his own texts, are also online here:


CONTACT: To obtain L'Impromptu No. 1 - Collection of the Umbo -

SUMMARY: Louis-François Delisse ~ Miguel de Carvalho ~ ~ Stéphane Maignan Rik Lina ~ Anne-Marie Beeckman ~ Georges-Henri Morin ~ ~ Alice Massénat Marcel Miracle ~ ~ Stanislas Rodansky Lawrence Albarracin ~ ~ Pierre Jean Peuchmaurd Durançon Ludwig Zeller ~ ~ Roberto San Geroteo Philippe Lemaire ~ ~ John Paul Martino ~ etc..

Published December 2010
5 euros per copy including postage - Support: 15 euros
Jean-Pierre Paraggio 33, Avenue Jules Ferry 74100 ANNEMASSE

LINK Site of Jean-Pierre Paraggio:


NOTE: the publication in October 2010 'THE DREAM CLAIRIERE' of Joel GAYRAUD with illustrations by Jean-Pierre Paraggio in the collection of Umbo - 14 EUROS INCLUDING SHIPPING - CONTACT above -

I. Dalbe

Friday, October 22, 2010

Jack Astors Crab And Lobster Dip

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Paper Serviette Folding Instructions

Teaching Assistant Artistic

Is the only legal status to deliver education
technology on which we must be recruited!

Instead, and to encourage us to teach anyway, we got some compensation in 2001 related to a planning technician status. Offsets that have been challenged since 2004!
Today we learn that the changes of status can not be transposed into the new structures of EPCC and is applicable from December next!
will only be stored material terms, compensation, contract length and seniority. Changes can be made to the content of contracts and in particular by adding to the missions of teaching is a dimension (without compensation)! If the contractor refuses, the structure EPCC conduct its termination (see Senate Report 2005).
In national schools has already been put in place a status hijacked!
"Technician of Art" Normally intended only to restaurants in library, archive or museum. These technicians still appear as teachers under the heading: "Technician Educational Assistance" . This is reminiscent of the fate that has already been done technicians ESAD renamed "Artistic Teaching Technicians"
The TAP have more 38h30 load schedule, do not enjoy the school holidays and legally should not have to take on teaching assignments!
This is totally unacceptable and we demand respect for managers to use because only two statutes are required by law to supervise and monitor training of students, teacher and assistant. A technician does not teach and is not part of the cultural sector.
The period we live and a period of erosion of social gains and we refuse to do the fresh longer. It is urgent to bring about positive change this situation also has already been settled at the Conservatoire National de Strasbourg and Mulhouse partially Wharf, institutions with whom we merge.

So why regress to ESAD?
Demand Together: Teachers, 'Technicians' and Students
The transformation of all positions AME AEA, without allowing ourselves to be influenced by purely economic considerations or arbitrary!

No treatment EACH CASE, we all do the same work and our skills are recognized by all FOG!

We are simply asking the status commensurate with our mission!

Friday, October 15, 2010

How Does The Macy's Prepaid Card Work?

The workshops are a unique history and strengths to establish the attractiveness of ESADE.
Students are trained to self-and assisted in the realization of their projects. By the 1990s, to best meet a growing demand for projects, courses have been set up to apprehend the medium specific to each workshop. The workshops were also close to each other, and proposed additional courses from one workshop to another, thus offering real strings creating consistent and effective.
his arrival in 2008, the current director said the finding of this dynamism in seeking the establishment of the course "Culture Technique" in year 1 (2008-2009) and its continuity in year 2 (2009 -2010). A third course would be set up for three years (2010-2009). These courses are designed for rapid appropriation students the basics of methodology creation tools.

What is the problem of TEA?
personnel who run the workshops working under the name T echniciens of E ducation A rtistique.
When the decree implementing the Act of 1991 frames of teachers in art school, was published in 1994, certain directors of these schools of art, led by the Director of Strasbourg, then President of the National Association of Schools of Art (ANDE), refused to recognize the quality of teachers to staff responsible for technology and practical work towards the students. Were then created for the staff association "managed" or diverted whose only argument was their economic development even though three of us had passed the competitive assistantships. Two of these individuals subsequently lost the benefit of competition because ESADE and the City of Strasbourg refused to establish them. The third person to validate his competition went to work at the School of Orleans to be tenured.
This development status echnicien S T upérieur C hef, unique in France dates from 2001 and had become a national status, to enable such personnel to make permanent appointments. But this never happened and they are almost all contractors, with no prospect of career. A technician can supervise and train the public, the development is subject to AME specifications that do not take this into account, even if the titles of recruitment there clearly allude. On the other Apart from these hires are no longer in reference to the salary grid of TSC and duration of contracts has become variable, whereas the duration was three years renewable.

What is leadership?
The present Directorate has continued to encourage the TEA to take more and more responsibility is teaching and at his request that the course years 1 and 2 were organized in their promising consideration to advance their case with the council and have results in six months, from April 2008. But today it is clear that this direction has stopped playing shows, waiting for the blade of the EPCC, autonomous structure and more non-municipal. The Deputy Premier, himself admitted that the case TEA was empty at the meeting on the EPCC Thursday, October 7, 2010.
The only part of employment corresponding to a work teacher, outside the teacher, is Assistant Artistic Teaching.

Why now?
From January 2011 the art school in Mulhouse Conservatory of Music and Dance in Strasbourg and ESADE will be consolidated into one entity as an EPCC. This perspective crystallizes all the fears about the status of all staff. What will become of the TEA, in this perspective, without clear status as a teacher?

practice and in accordance with the specification of TEA:
- technicians will no longer organize the curriculum years one and two, or issue other courses, or intervening in the course of the Faculty except to assist them in their technical facility.
- Technicians will deliver detailed information about the possibilities of workshops. Prerequisites and enhancements will now be issued by a teacher.
- Any project requiring a monitoring and implementation methodology will be provided by a teacher.
- The workshops will remain freely accessible during the opening hours for all students trained.
This school is your school and you are legitimately your say on the recognition of his technical education. AMEs are counting on your understanding and support for this evolution of status is effective as soon as possible and that the workshops can resume optimal activity.

Technician: Professional mastering one or more technical meaning of specialist this (these) technique (s).
Assistant: In higher education, teacher responsible for practical work and tutorials.
Teaching: Forward to a student so they understand and assimilate (some knowledge).
AEA: Teaching Assistant Artistic teaching status of art schools.
TEA: Technician Education Artistic Planning Technician Chief of Staff, is at ESADE.
Teaching Assistant: the wage of short duration on a specific mission that is set to change.
Contract: fulltime, parttime
Status: The status is text or a set of texts setting out the fundamental guarantees granted to a community, a body (public service). The statute includes a grade (salary) and an employment framework (A, B, or C) which sets the limits of responsibility an agent.
Reminder: technician status does not accommodate the public or to teach.
Prerequisites: Introductory courses giving access to the tooling workshop.
EPCC: Public Establishment for Cultural Cooperation.

technicians Workshops:
Screen Printing, Prepress, Photography, Digital, Video, Paper, Wood, Metal and Light.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Milena Velba Dominates

Tribute to the poet Pierre Emmanuel Boussuge Peuchmaurd (1948-2009) - Review Review

One of the drawings of Emmanuel Boussuge
accompanying his tribute to Peter Peuchmaurd
- Source: Journal corner No. 3 -


A life to death

"I not sure Peuchmaurd stone was the greatest poet of the French language (some say), but what I know is that he was the one who made me feel most intensely alive. If it is perhaps not exactly the same thing, for me it is the same. I liked his determination and his detachment, his lyricism and irony.
To evoke the figure of this very dear friend whom I have unfortunately never met, here are some fragments of it (...). Poetry, love, death, life, obviously. . . " Emmanuel Boussuge - Excerpts -

poems or quote extracts
Pierre Peuchmaurd :

" is the bramble dust
summer is like a day on earth
and in the flesh mouth, the bird
on the wrist
a large female skeleton

In your childhood already
you loved almost everything "


" What he likes most is walking in the Hazel groves surrounding the house, his eyes riveted on the ground stubbornly. Special search of stone or a feather milan is just a pretext: the game is Always fix the soil. When, after a short time (say a quarter of an hour), he allows himself to raise his head, he no longer knows where he is, he is lost. At no time he was aware, this random wandering (and here he is not a tautology) has literally deported. It was before the house, he is behind, right, it is left, and much further (or closer) than he had imagined. The sky has changed, he knew nothing. What he sees, what he feels, is that the world has turned him and that he is fit - yes - "derangement of the senses "Because so much is that the only sense of direction that is affected. Experience is easy to perform and he recommends it: it works every time. "


" Call it "surreal" or "higher consciousness" is always the immanence hidden, but 'flashing' fantastic, that beckons and unfolding, and when she wants. . . when you can. "

° ° °

" (...) And here are some words due to others chosen not quite at random. . . " E. Boussuge

" In many ways, the poetry of Pierre Peuchmaurd Untimely Meditation is, she does not care as the fortieth year (...) Of the challenges of post-poetry modern (...), it not looking for style effects, it is not the way that counts, but what is said: the world returned to its simplicity confusing. " Lawrence Albarracin


" What remains is sufficient to conclude ineradicable . " Emmanuel Lochac

° ° °

Other excerpts of superb poems of Pierre PEUCHMAURD along with other delicate fairy drawings (*) E . Boussuge be discovered in the journal CORNERS No. 3 - 7 euros - (see coverage in the sideband of the blog)

Contact: PLACES, 13 rue BERGIER, 63000 CLERMONT-FERRAND revuerecoins @ yahoo . en

(*) Readers of Peter Peuchmaurd know the importance and richness of the poet's bestiary.

"(...) Many animals that are circulating in my poems, (...) We release the beast and we dream beasts " . - The registration number of the angels, 2004 - Maintenance P. Peuchmaurd with Marc Blanchet

I. Dalbe

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hiv Rash Without Feaver?

CORNERS PLACES No. 3: 'La Pêche Miraculous' Regis Gayraud the 'Boxers of Rhyhm and Blues' by Emmanuel Boussuge

PLACES REVIEW No. 3 - Cover by Francis Puzenat

(and discover 2nd cover: a collage of Jean-Christophe Belotti; in 3rd coverage: work of Jean-Gilbert Capietto; in the journal: drawings Emmanuel Boussuge)


''Arts, Belles Lettres and Rock n 'Roll'' reflect the clear interests of the journal corners: exciting, original, dense and colorful. Specifically, the publication "illustrated texts on subjects overlooked, neglected or confidential " "momentum towards admirable characters or ambiguous," "the most diverse topics, " a few tracks through " are the guidelines of the editorial . Many speakers: either give us their texts (poetry / writing) which we must emphasize the high quality, or show us with enthusiasm of the authors (poets and writers), artists (surrealism, art brut, folk art) or musicians (the rock happily occupies a prominent place), all steeped in talent, while often ignored or ignored. And boxing, which does not pass under the nose, has its say. His great word to say.

the numbers: 7 euros, postage included - Subscription: 29 euros for 4 issues


Contents of No. 3:

Access to pm ommage Emmanuel Boussuge the poet Pierre Peuchmaurd



-A life to death - Tribute to Peter Peuchmaurd - by Emmanuel Boussuge

Plan-Bugs-Bunny-Paracelsus Guy Girard With drawings Bastien Contraire

The stick-choreographer chance Regis Gayraud

-Paris sleeps Julie Girard - text and photos-

-stomach words, words to heart (The flurry of Tarascon and Ôssansa) of Joel Gayraud

-Facts Winter Danula Harms, Russian poet and playwright

-The feather in the dermis (V and VI) Evia


-levelness the Cantal (chronic books by Jean-Claude and Leon Sordello Gerbe ) by Emmanuel Boussuge

-The miraculous catch (book 'Here lies the sagebrush' Alice Massénat) chronic Regis Gayraud-see excerpts below-


- Huts sucker Debord 1909-1994 (folk art) by Bruno Montpied with photographs color of the unusual work of the gardener tools - photos B. Montpied

- life and work of Millange, peasant painter (1869-1953) by Emmanuel Boussuge with many color illustrations of work full of freshness to the themes of rustic life, this true artist like the best''naive''

- January Krizek (1919-1985), Czech sculptor and author watercolors, linocuts (art related to art brut) Pravdová by Anna and Bertrand Schmitt (with photos of watercolors, ink, linocut, sculpture by J. Krizek)

A Quarella (untitled) by Jan Krizek, 1960 - Private Collection
(Source: Journal corner No. 3)

"At home, the man should never disappear"
sentence of a book January Krizek

-Wreck, O despair! by Franck Fiat (Cartoon adapted from Ambrose Bierce)

-Winter Dance Party (about Buddy Holly) by Virlo with an illustration of Bill Thérébenthine, and Franck Fiat

-News on Jackson C. By Emmanuel Franck Boussuge

-Roots of Rock: canvas John Gilbert Capietto ''Pianist''a piano; canvas Franck Fiat ''''Solomon Burke; design Franck Fiat ''dancers''; canvas Francis Puzenat ''''Roy Brown, who is the subject of exhibitions in different cities

-Silver Apples (electronic music duo Psychedelic) by Benedict Hicks with illustrations by Francois Puzenat

Grimwood-June 25, 2009 (Sky Saxon) by Franck Fiat

-Eddie Hinton (advertised item for N 4) by Florent Mazzoleni

-The Very Boxing - Boxers Rhyhm the Blues''and''Hang up the gloves Text Emmanuel Boussuge

-Blood and advertisements (miscellaneous Puy de Dome in the nineteenth century) by Sebastien Soulier

- A brave pedestrian who was driving: a selection of pearls from the 3rd volume ''Truth is stranger than fiction''of Aycard Albert and Jacqueline Franck (Gallimard, 1959)


Comment the book 'Here lies the sagebrush' by Alice Massénat Regis Gayraud

Fishing Miraculous

" (...) Alice Massénat, white and black widow carmine of his birth, overwhelming stray turning innocent typographical magician singer with simultaneous voices, jointer syntax, scandeuse meter, fishing the verb in the hollow of an anemone, the lake where three hundred springs, where one river deaf. She was surprised such a profusion words which no one has previously seen the brilliance, the laps around the fringes where the lexicon. Poetry, sweet anemone struggling to illuminate my nights, you quivering membrane filters in the wave sounds of words that falls like a transparent skirt on the pubis of the waterfall. There is live bait, the bitter, unconditional supporters, the words that rattle when they fall on the primary sandstone basins, even where foamed silica in the big bang. You distill the words and you will find this youth, carmine verbs revived, the "éouy" hiding in the lily. (...) Then, a cry goes up, the roar of the witch burning in the wound, punctuated with groans of dissatisfaction (...). The chip-haired woman, she offered to snakes pushes his incantations from beyond understanding in a cave in India, the musician pulmonary timber that collected Forgotten camel celestial stranded hem lakes nacre (. ..), the other woman with snakes, the inventor of the unusual, which was awaiting the return of night and day red tank sealing a boa dress diagonal masonry dam to pass the words, fingers to dismiss these sisters are you in the mirror of their nails iron rough reflections of nineteen fire that you light. The to-high Alice Massénat nothing brawler, artificial, theatrical. It's back to the theater, facing life, death, to the world that is fading it runs neck thrown back, eyes to the sun: "But why single, I tell you in a life that goes so far as to deny you the laughs more than necessary and the sister is there infinitely tender. " (...)

- Regis Gayraud-Extracts -

Alice Massénat 'Here lies the sagebrush' Editions Mock Sky in Véronique LORET - 9, rue Garibaldi 93400 Saint-Ouen, 2008 - 104p. - 15 euros

SEE-book cover with a photograph of Anthony in the band PEUCHMAURD-side BLOG

LINK: OTHER FROM THE BOOK 'Here lies the sagebrush' ALICE Massenat

LINK: The site of Bruno Montpied

Review CORNERS No. 2 (still available) is presented on the site ''The Subtle Knife'' Bruno Montpied who comments:

- the beautiful story of Regis Gayraud :''Four'' Fous De Tolbiac, text in the vein 'pure fantasy office';

- up survey of the work of the mason Antignac (Cantal) " François Aubert (1902-1982)" by Emmanuel BOUSSUGE , complete with color photographs by B. Montpied;

- Pravdová Anna's article on the life and work of ''''Tita (1909-1942 Edita Hirschova young Czech surrealist painter).

Drawing Tita (1941) to accompany 'Magic Woman' the second part of a collection of Marc Patin - Source: Journal corner No. 2 -

" (... ) The design echoes the text of skating, while perpetuating the music, which like the waves of an ocean, rocking steady, runs into the rhythm repeated phrases, mixing in a single motion image of the beloved, the primary elements (earth, water, fire, blood) and repeated merging . Pravdová Anna-excerpts from the article''''Tita -


The complete summary of the No. 2 also in its program, in addition to topics art and writing ' mentioned above, those opposite:

-poetry:''The feather in the dermis (III) and (IV)''of Evia

-chronicled literary :''The balance of Cantal,''by Andre Go Emmanuel Boussuge

-reflective discussion
: Texts Answer Julien Martin and Regis Gayraud about''The Beginning of the End''

-boxing:''Johnny Morrissey-dreadful-John''article Franck Fiat

-rock 'n' roll
__''What are you doing? ''An interview with Billy Childish, introduced and translated by Colas Grollemund ;
__''May 4, 1956: A Friday (Be-Bop-A-Lula)''article Virlo about Gene Vincent;
__''The tragic story of Jackson C. Frank''article by Emmanuel Boussuge on "the most famous folk singer of the sixties which no one heard (about the journalist TJ Mc Grath)

-comics:''The Pit''infernal comic Franck Fiat by Cormack McCarthy

-ads : Excerpts from 'Défouloir of precarious' - Host of this website: Capusa Esteban, author of the book (satire)''Chômologie Dictionary Cynicism or portable office - Publishing Points the i''

And still illustrations, drawings, collages, photos of several authors: Emmanuel Boussuge, Franck Fiat, Jean-Gilbert Capietto Francis Puzenat Bruno Montpied Regis Gayraud, Cecile Capietto.

I. Dalbe