Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hiv Rash Without Feaver?

CORNERS PLACES No. 3: 'La Pêche Miraculous' Regis Gayraud the 'Boxers of Rhyhm and Blues' by Emmanuel Boussuge

PLACES REVIEW No. 3 - Cover by Francis Puzenat

(and discover 2nd cover: a collage of Jean-Christophe Belotti; in 3rd coverage: work of Jean-Gilbert Capietto; in the journal: drawings Emmanuel Boussuge)


''Arts, Belles Lettres and Rock n 'Roll'' reflect the clear interests of the journal corners: exciting, original, dense and colorful. Specifically, the publication "illustrated texts on subjects overlooked, neglected or confidential " "momentum towards admirable characters or ambiguous," "the most diverse topics, " a few tracks through " are the guidelines of the editorial . Many speakers: either give us their texts (poetry / writing) which we must emphasize the high quality, or show us with enthusiasm of the authors (poets and writers), artists (surrealism, art brut, folk art) or musicians (the rock happily occupies a prominent place), all steeped in talent, while often ignored or ignored. And boxing, which does not pass under the nose, has its say. His great word to say.

Contact: PLACES, 13 rue BERGIER 63000 CLERMONT-FERRAND - revuerecoins@yahoo.fr
the numbers: 7 euros, postage included - Subscription: 29 euros for 4 issues


Contents of No. 3:

Access to pm ommage Emmanuel Boussuge the poet Pierre Peuchmaurd



-A life to death - Tribute to Peter Peuchmaurd - by Emmanuel Boussuge

Plan-Bugs-Bunny-Paracelsus Guy Girard With drawings Bastien Contraire

The stick-choreographer chance Regis Gayraud

-Paris sleeps Julie Girard - text and photos-

-stomach words, words to heart (The flurry of Tarascon and Ôssansa) of Joel Gayraud

-Facts Winter Danula Harms, Russian poet and playwright

-The feather in the dermis (V and VI) Evia


-levelness the Cantal (chronic books by Jean-Claude and Leon Sordello Gerbe ) by Emmanuel Boussuge

-The miraculous catch (book 'Here lies the sagebrush' Alice Massénat) chronic Regis Gayraud-see excerpts below-


- Huts sucker Debord 1909-1994 (folk art) by Bruno Montpied with photographs color of the unusual work of the gardener tools - photos B. Montpied

- life and work of Millange, peasant painter (1869-1953) by Emmanuel Boussuge with many color illustrations of work full of freshness to the themes of rustic life, this true artist like the best''naive''

- January Krizek (1919-1985), Czech sculptor and author watercolors, linocuts (art related to art brut) Pravdová by Anna and Bertrand Schmitt (with photos of watercolors, ink, linocut, sculpture by J. Krizek)

A Quarella (untitled) by Jan Krizek, 1960 - Private Collection
(Source: Journal corner No. 3)

"At home, the man should never disappear"
sentence of a book January Krizek

-Wreck, O despair! by Franck Fiat (Cartoon adapted from Ambrose Bierce)

-Winter Dance Party (about Buddy Holly) by Virlo with an illustration of Bill Thérébenthine, and Franck Fiat

-News on Jackson C. By Emmanuel Franck Boussuge

-Roots of Rock: canvas John Gilbert Capietto ''Pianist''a piano; canvas Franck Fiat ''''Solomon Burke; design Franck Fiat ''dancers''; canvas Francis Puzenat ''''Roy Brown, who is the subject of exhibitions in different cities

-Silver Apples (electronic music duo Psychedelic) by Benedict Hicks with illustrations by Francois Puzenat

Grimwood-June 25, 2009 (Sky Saxon) by Franck Fiat

-Eddie Hinton (advertised item for N 4) by Florent Mazzoleni

-The Very Boxing - Boxers Rhyhm the Blues''and''Hang up the gloves Text Emmanuel Boussuge

-Blood and advertisements (miscellaneous Puy de Dome in the nineteenth century) by Sebastien Soulier

- A brave pedestrian who was driving: a selection of pearls from the 3rd volume ''Truth is stranger than fiction''of Aycard Albert and Jacqueline Franck (Gallimard, 1959)


Comment the book 'Here lies the sagebrush' by Alice Massénat Regis Gayraud

Fishing Miraculous

" (...) Alice Massénat, white and black widow carmine of his birth, overwhelming stray turning innocent typographical magician singer with simultaneous voices, jointer syntax, scandeuse meter, fishing the verb in the hollow of an anemone, the lake where three hundred springs, where one river deaf. She was surprised such a profusion words which no one has previously seen the brilliance, the laps around the fringes where the lexicon. Poetry, sweet anemone struggling to illuminate my nights, you quivering membrane filters in the wave sounds of words that falls like a transparent skirt on the pubis of the waterfall. There is live bait, the bitter, unconditional supporters, the words that rattle when they fall on the primary sandstone basins, even where foamed silica in the big bang. You distill the words and you will find this youth, carmine verbs revived, the "éouy" hiding in the lily. (...) Then, a cry goes up, the roar of the witch burning in the wound, punctuated with groans of dissatisfaction (...). The chip-haired woman, she offered to snakes pushes his incantations from beyond understanding in a cave in India, the musician pulmonary timber that collected Forgotten camel celestial stranded hem lakes nacre (. ..), the other woman with snakes, the inventor of the unusual, which was awaiting the return of night and day red tank sealing a boa dress diagonal masonry dam to pass the words, fingers to dismiss these sisters are you in the mirror of their nails iron rough reflections of nineteen fire that you light. The to-high Alice Massénat nothing brawler, artificial, theatrical. It's back to the theater, facing life, death, to the world that is fading it runs neck thrown back, eyes to the sun: "But why single, I tell you in a life that goes so far as to deny you the laughs more than necessary and the sister is there infinitely tender. " (...)

- Regis Gayraud-Extracts -

Alice Massénat 'Here lies the sagebrush' Editions Mock Sky in Véronique LORET - 9, rue Garibaldi 93400 Saint-Ouen, 2008 - 104p. - 15 euros

SEE-book cover with a photograph of Anthony in the band PEUCHMAURD-side BLOG

LINK: OTHER FROM THE BOOK 'Here lies the sagebrush' ALICE Massenat

LINK: The site of Bruno Montpied

Review CORNERS No. 2 (still available) is presented on the site ''The Subtle Knife'' Bruno Montpied who comments:

- the beautiful story of Regis Gayraud :''Four'' Fous De Tolbiac, text in the vein 'pure fantasy office';

- up survey of the work of the mason Antignac (Cantal) " François Aubert (1902-1982)" by Emmanuel BOUSSUGE , complete with color photographs by B. Montpied;

- Pravdová Anna's article on the life and work of ''''Tita (1909-1942 Edita Hirschova young Czech surrealist painter).

Drawing Tita (1941) to accompany 'Magic Woman' the second part of a collection of Marc Patin - Source: Journal corner No. 2 -

" (... ) The design echoes the text of skating, while perpetuating the music, which like the waves of an ocean, rocking steady, runs into the rhythm repeated phrases, mixing in a single motion image of the beloved, the primary elements (earth, water, fire, blood) and repeated merging . Pravdová Anna-excerpts from the article''''Tita -


The complete summary of the No. 2 also in its program, in addition to topics art and writing ' mentioned above, those opposite:

-poetry:''The feather in the dermis (III) and (IV)''of Evia

-chronicled literary :''The balance of Cantal,''by Andre Go Emmanuel Boussuge

-reflective discussion
: Texts Answer Julien Martin and Regis Gayraud about''The Beginning of the End''

-boxing:''Johnny Morrissey-dreadful-John''article Franck Fiat

-rock 'n' roll
__''What are you doing? ''An interview with Billy Childish, introduced and translated by Colas Grollemund ;
__''May 4, 1956: A Friday (Be-Bop-A-Lula)''article Virlo about Gene Vincent;
__''The tragic story of Jackson C. Frank''article by Emmanuel Boussuge on "the most famous folk singer of the sixties which no one heard (about the journalist TJ Mc Grath)

-comics:''The Pit''infernal comic Franck Fiat by Cormack McCarthy

-ads : Excerpts from 'Défouloir of precarious' - Host of this website: Capusa Esteban, author of the book (satire)''Chômologie Dictionary Cynicism or portable office - Publishing Points the i''

And still illustrations, drawings, collages, photos of several authors: Emmanuel Boussuge, Franck Fiat, Jean-Gilbert Capietto Francis Puzenat Bruno Montpied Regis Gayraud, Cecile Capietto.

I. Dalbe


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