Sunday, October 31, 2010

How To Get The Rainbow Puffle In Club Penguin

Glade dream - Joel GAYRAUD Collection of the umbo

Glade dream - Joel GAYRAUD
Collection of the umbo

Pictures Jean-Pierre Paraggio


Poet Joel Gayraud provides a fascinating journey into the enchanting time of the golden age, the time of the Iron Age ended , "where truth and illusion stopped opt out. " Where "The doors of the past and the future" and " three directions of space" spend several tables in our sundial.

It draws our "eyebrows défroncés" our "loose lips" and moves us, circled (s) of emotions in the sky of those fabulous in these times, watched in ether. Those enigmatic without pit and no corpse. Those high in the myths.
Kingdom at the weld of the sacred fire, while the world is warming up, it is say "two sphinxes placed face to face with claws claws breasts breasts" and:

The Saturn, one of the oldest gods
The Janus bifront
The terrible Hecate
the Great Pan grin radiating desire
The elusive Proteus
The indomitable giant with twelve events
Cacus the inept robber herds
Victory singing the advent of dark matter
Pegasus on his hooves prepared
The Chimera

And here we are ourselves:

"In the grotto and the fountain nymphs
issuing black Worry

" Everything was born from Venus
yesterday in the conch-winged griffin "

In missed Adam and Eve, we meet in words - of burning rich sounds:
Neptune hitting the ground with his trident
(...) in the grove of myrtle black
Ariadne abandoned singing in mid dead
Ceres Dionysus canephora
The dragon protector of the Golden Fleece
Echidna and Fury
The tremendous Orcus at the entrance to Hades

To invite us to enter boldly into the cave that we put the poet Gayraud "kantharos hand" sends "the head of Medusa sider Cerberus " which we let go unhindered " join Proserpine ".
"On its surface
acorns and pine nuts
proclaim the universal enjoyment
and the bear holding a rose
admits the power of the mind united with the flesh"


So. It remains for us to celebrate the wonder of gold volume of this poem: "The final season of The Ultimate Travel transmutation" . A gold lighthouse, completed a beautiful story of moults voluptuous thrill.

And we dream up into the transparent clarity of images refined Jean-Pierre Paraggio.

I. Dalbe

'CLAIRIERE THE DREAM' Joel GAYRAUD - Collection of the Umbo
- with illustrations by Jean-Pierre Paraggio - 14 EUROS INCLUDING SHIPPING -

CONTACT: Jean Peter Paraggio 33, Avenue Jules Ferry 74100 ANNEMASSE
Site Links JEAN-PIERRE Paraggio:


Joel Gayraud is published by Editions Jose Corti . His book Order ' appeared in the Collection' The Dial line '. He contributes regularly to journals: 'The Bathyscaphe ', 'Les Cahiers de L' Umbo '; ' Gold the thirteen islands'; ' Nomads'; ' corners' ; ' Footprints'.

I. Dalbe


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